RIDGECREST ROAR – September 10, 2023
Good evening Ridgecrest families,
I continue to be so impressed with our children and their ability to learn quickly and incorporate the routines and structures of school into every day. Thank you for reinforcing this with your children at home. It really does take teamwork between us all to make Ridgecrest the best place possible for everyone. We feel very fortunate to have a community that cares about Ridgecrest as much as it does.
School Information
Picture Day – Our picture day is tomorrow, Monday, September 11th. Please remember pictures must be paid for online or with exact change given to the photographer before the picture. Our front office does not manage the money for pictures taken. There is a digital flier attached that explains how to order your pictures. You can also email: contact@eastmanadams.com for help.
Parent Teacher Conferences – Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences will open later this week. Conferences will be held on September 27th and 28th in the evening. Our DLI classes will also hold conferences during the daytime Monday – Thursday of that week. Please note that school will release at 1:40 PM on Thursday September 28th and there is no school held on Sept. 29th.
Please sign up for your opportunity to speak to your child’s teachers as soon as possible. Available spots are first come first serve. New this year: Sign-ups will be done through Parent Square this year. Please watch for a post from your child’s teacher where you will sign up for your time.
Thrive Time – This week, we are starting our new Life Skills curriculum called Thrive Time. On Mondays during Morning Meeting, each class will spend some time learning skills to help us be successful. We will learn about handling feelings, setting goals, making helpful decisions, respecting ourselves and others, supporting our community, and resolving conflict. This week, we will begin our Respecting Myself and Others unit. Respect is one of our school rules, we’ll be learning more about cooperating, communicating, and being a good friend – all things that show we are being respectful!
Recycling – Update: Our contract with the company who manages our recycling has changed. This is no longer a free service for our school and instead costs us money. This means, we are no longer able to offer this as a free community resource and ask that you find somewhere else to help with your recycling needs so that the cost to our school isn’t increased. Thank you for your understanding with this.
Book Blitz Jr. – This year Ridgecrest Elementary School is participating in an exciting Canyons District program called Book Blitz Jr. Book Blitz Jr. is a 3rd, 4th and 5th grade reading program designed to encourage the reading of a variety of literature for young people. It is also designed to build team spirit and enthusiasm about literature. Students read 6 or more titles from a list of 12 books and compete in mixed teams to answer questions about those books in a quiz bowl format. We will be having our first meeting on September 14th at 4:00 PM, after school, and the meeting will only be 30 to 40 minutes. We will go over the district provided list of books for the students, upcoming meeting dates, commitments, and get to know each other. Any 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are invited. If you have any questions, please email me; Brooke Schneider at brookeyschneid26@gmail.com.
Ridgecrest Choir – Our 3-5th grade choir is starting up for this school year and we want to make sure you are aware of the opportunity. Choir will be held after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting next week. Please see the attached flier for more information.
Tiger Pride on Fridays – WHAT IS TIGER PRIDE FRIDAY?
Each Friday, students can wear blue, orange, or spirit wear/Fun Run t-shirts to show their school “pride”. If there happens to be a pajama day or another dress up day on Friday, that will still count toward tiger pride! Students will receive a small treat or prize for showing their school pride. Classes with lots of student participation may also earn other fun prizes throughout the school year!
Information previously shared that still may be helpful:
Attendance and Code of Conduct in Spanish – We previously sent home our Ridgecrest Code of Conduct and Attendance policies. If you haven’t read, signed, and returned these documents to your child’s teacher, please do so as soon as possible. They are attached here in both English and Spanish.
Ridgecrest Code of Conduct 2023-2024-Spanish
From the PTA:
Be on the lookout for a paper that came home Friday. We are collecting shirt sizes for all the students for a shirt for the fun run.
If you would like to be a sponsor and have your company logo advertised on the back of the fun run shirt and banner, please reach out to the PTA email ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com
Tiger pride starts this coming Friday! Show your school spirit by wearing blue/orange shirt or an old Ridgecrest shirt.
Chess Champions will be starting September 20th on Wednesday mornings from 8-8:30. Please sign up using this linkhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqRXh3tMnkvKDkjPdoaD1n6bUGzADfzPrywxcnwYfi-lVvmQ/viewform
The first spirit wear order has been placed and should be arriving in the next week or so. We will place an order towards the end of September. If you would still like to place an order go to https://ridgecrest.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
11 School Pictures
PTA Meeting 12:00PM Media Center
15 Constitution Day Classrooms
22 Vision Screening Morning Gym
27-28 Parent Teacher Conferences after school Classrooms
Book Fair various times Gym
28 EARLY OUT 1:40
29 No School
Sara Allen
Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School
(801) 826-9250