1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

September 21, 2022 – Agenda

Ridgecrest Elementary School Community Council Monthly Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 21, 2022- 4:00pm- Library

  • –  Call to order: 4:07
    In attendance: Marci Cardon, Carrie Christensen, Summer Gallegos, Stephanie Pierson, Anna Whiteley, Sara Allen (principal), Londyn Freeman (teacher)
    Absent: Annette Hubley(sick), Brad Hunter
  • –  Review By-Laws: Committee size limited to 16, at least two employees and two more parents than teachers.Article V change – Current By-law includes the following verbiage: “A quorum is defined as a majority of members with the stipulation that the majority must follow the legal composition of the council and have, at minimum, one more parent member than employee member present to vote. A quorum must be present in order for voting to be valid. Members may submit an electronic vote to establish a quorum in accordance with bylaw IX.”New Article V verbiage: “A quorum is defined as a majority of committee present. A quorum must be present in order for voting to be valid. Members may submit an electronic vote to establish a quorum in accordance with bylaw IX.”Carrie Christensen will take on the role of PTA Liaison.All present unanimously approve SCC By-Laws.
  • –  Roster Approval:
  • –  Training update – Most SCC members have attended. Some will attend the last session on the 28th.Clarification provided regarding the difference between “supervised volunteers” and “unsupervised volunteers.” Unsupervised volunteers need to provide fingerprints as well as a background check. Supervised volunteers need only provide a background check. A volunteer should know which type they are and what access to children they are allowed to have. Supervised volunteers cannot be alone with children.
  • –  Review Land Trust Plan (2021-2022): We’ll have the final report next month. Refer to handouts for statistics and data points. Leftover money from last year was spent on substitutes, interventionists, math licenses, PBIS incentives. 10% remained and that will be spent during the current year.
  • –  Previous year educational data review and current year expenditures: K-5 pathways of progress reading goal was 70%. Kinder met the goal, 1st & 2nd were just shy of goal. Progress was seen from fall to spring. 3rd and 4th were both in 50th percentile. 4th grade saw a decline in progress from fall to spring.

It was noted several times in the district training that as the SCC we only help to create the Land Trust

Plan and formally approve it, all other aspects we only advise. For further clarification, the principal is

responsible to draft the LTP who then proposes it to the SCC and the school leadership team (BLT) for

formal approval.

This year tardies are worse than absences. Discussion on reasons for low growth.
Math composite goal: 75% was goal – 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades met the goal. 3rd grade in 40th percentile, 5th grade in 50th percentile.

New ELA curriculum this year.

  • –  Overview current year TSSP, Safe Walking Plan, and Positive Behavior Plan:
    TSSP – Remaining money in the budget was spent on stipends, interventionists, math licenses, and the school counselor salary. 10% remained and that will be spent during the current year. The committee will review expenditures at next month’s meeting when we receive the final information from the district.Safe Walking Plan is due in January and we will discuss it at the next meeting.
  • –  Overview of School Safety; drill and district meeting discuss: School Safety Plan discussion will be pushed to next month, due in November.Positive Behavior Plan – School Counselor put this together. Includes an introduction to restorative practices school-wide; focuses on 4:1 positive to corrective ratio of feedback; SEL materials connect to life skills curriculum associated with the district’s “Portrait of a Graduate.” School Board approved it but is waiting for implementation until parents can review it and provide feedback.Question: Is the *objective (description below) being taught in elementary school? Answer: No, it’s more of a secondary discussion..*To address the causes of student use of tobacco, alcohol, electronic cigarette products, and other controlled substances through promoting positive behaviors.

    School drills – Fire drill and lockdown drills have been done. Staff has been trained and supplied with new copies of procedures. Drill next month is Shelter-in-Place.

    Marci will send a link to the new procedures in the email with the minutes. We will go through the whole safety plan in November.

    Additional school climate updates or principal report:

    Ran short on time. No discussion.
    Julia Jensen motioned to end the meeting at 5:02. Summer Gallegos seconded.

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