1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

October 27, 2021 – Minutes

Ridgecrest Elementary School Community Council 

Monthly Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 4:00pm- Library

  • Call to Order

Attendance: Sara Allen, Marci Cardon, DarylAnn Ashby, Annette Hubley, Julia Jensen, Sam Garcia, Natalie Thomas, Carrie Christensen, Mallory Herrscher, London Freeman., Julie Winfree.  Allison Farnsworth (excused), Debbie Durtschi (absent)

  • Review 2019-2020 Land Trust plan and TSSP:  Julie Winfree presented the budget proposals. Final report for the 2020-2021 school year with the data is coming in January or February. Last year we rolled over $8.01 from TSSP and $6231.54 from Land Trust. Data will be presented in the next meeting with the current fall CBM data.
  • Update for the Bylaws renewal: discussed the changes. Natalie motion to approve. London second the motion. Vote to pass by all present: approved.
  • Review Current year Land Trust plan, any updates to data and expenditures (assess spending amendments):   We will not be holding an after school program due to COVID and teachers working on the LETRS requirement from the state.  We will reallocate money to support technology in the STEM class. Ipads K-1 and Chromebooks 2nd-5th.  Mrs. Winfree will write an amendment and have SCC members sign it before it is presented to the board.
  • Digital Citizenship plan and update on progress so far: Hand out with RED and White Ribbon week. Ashley MacArthur is the Digital Citizenship coordinator. She is supporting teacher and the STEM with lessons to be taught in the STEM class as well as during Red and White Ribbon week.
  • Updates on Positive Behavior Plan and Social Emotional Learning (any updates from Canyons School Board): Sara Allen presented the history of Second Step and Social Emotional Learning at the Elementary level in Canyons District as well as how Second Step has been used here at Ridgecrest. Social Emotional learning is required to be taught and Second Step has been a tool used to teach those standards. Sara did share that the link at the center of the issue in middle school, when Canyons contacted Second Step and the link was removed. Ridgecrest has wonderful support with our school counselor and psychologist. There will be a parent survey coming from the district. Get the word out about being informed about the actual program and clearing up those misunderstandings. The next steps is that there will be information provided in the Ridgecrest Roar.

          PBIS plan: mindfulness, social emotional learning, restorative practices, Jr. coaches with Playworks.  Safety patrol, student                council. Utah State program for 4th grade BOTVIN this year.

  • Parking Lot Update:  New signage added last year. Teachers will review some safety concerns with students. We will continue to communicate through the Roar.
  • Make School Safety Plan and update on Drills: The drills are going well. The next drill is a Bomb Threat Drill.  One parent asked how we keep students from getting stressed about the drills.  Mrs. Freeman explained how she talked with the students about why we practice and how this keeps us safe at Ridgecrest.
  • District Training Take-Aways: Everyone seemed ok with the trainings.
  • Other information or Concerns- virtual days added:  more information will be sent by the district.


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