1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

October 26, 2022 – Minutes

Ridgecrest Elementary
SCC Meeting Minutes
26 October 2022
Minutes taken by Julia Jensen

Present: Marci Cardon, Carrie Christensen, Summer Gallegos, Anna Whiteley, Sara Allen (principal), Londyn Freeman (teacher), Annette Hubley (teacher)
Julia Jensen, Brad Hunter (via phone)
absent- Stephanie Pierson

Call to order at 4:05.

  • ●  School climate updates and principal ReportRecent testing has shown that students are starting off stronger than the past few years in both reading and math scores.

    We have seen a reduction in office referrals for behavior by 10% for Sept & Oct, which is in line with our goals.

    Other schools in the district have experienced a rise in some teacher dissatisfaction. Although they are working hard and have some struggles, our teachers are great problem solvers. We are doing okay.

    The school counselor is starting a mindfulness group to meet after school to help meet the mental health needs of students and teach emotional awareness and regulation.

    After-school reading & math groups are being organized and some teachers have volunteered, looking for more.

    The school’s Student Council is in full swing and going well.

    Efforts are being put into recess games to aid the reduction of conflict. It was observed that when students are not actively involved at an activity there is more interpersonal conflict. Recess aides and teachers are stepping up to encourage and engage students in games and activities.

  • ●  Overview of School Safety- drills and district safety protocol review from district safety meeting, discuss any safety concernsThe district School Safety plan is accessible under the “Parents & Students” tab on the district site and the SCC section.

    Those who attended the district school safety meeting gave comments on what was discussed. All schools in the district train on the safety plans extensively. Incident command training with the City Council is ongoing so no one stands in the way of each other during an incident response and command is established immediately. First to arrive is in command.

    School resource officer Officer Taylor is here at least once a week, usually on Tuesdays for about half a day. Cottonwood Heights City has set aside money for another resource officer, it is not up to the school district to decide about committing funds.

One of the changes to the Safety Plan is the Run, Hide, Fight protocol. Teachers would use their best judgment, in the moment. The district published this information on their website and with a link in an email to all families (https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools/). A recent shooting incident occurred at a school with this same national safety plan and students broke windows and found other ways to get out. These new protocols made a difference.

At Ridgecrest multiple individuals have the ability to emergency protocols, which notifies both the district and the emergency service providers. Once this has been activated a communication from the district is sent out immediately to families notifying them of the incident and further communications notify parents of the reunification plan.

There are some disgruntled parents regarding bus stop changes in the district, which were made to bring them in compliance with Federal guidelines. Some changes were made but not everyone was notified. The safety of some of them have been brought into question, such as lack of sidewalks or students crossing at unsafe locations on the street. Those stop areas without sidewalks need to be discussed with the city of Cottonwood Heights. Bus safety drills have been done on the buses in the past and a few have been done this year. * We will add concerns about bus stop locations to the Safety Report.

CSD Facilities is not going to fence in all the fields behind the school as we proposed due to funding. However, they will take care of a fence in the back of the field near the boardwalk directing people away from the school only. The school resource officer has had to speak to an individual about being on school property at the back of the field. Adults at recess frequently redirect people away from our students and fields during the school day.This is an ongoing concern.

● Digital Citizenship plan review

(Principal prepared the school’s digital citizenship plan template for reference during discussion)

We paid to have Net Positive (AKA Utah NetSmartz) come to talk about online behavior at an assembly for the whole school. They discussed the benefits and dangers of being online. They have provided tips and tricks to be shared with parents via email. The information given in the assembly will be followed by activities and lessons for students in the STEM booster class. Ms. MacArthur is leading the school’s digital citizenship efforts.

Ms. MacArthur used the Digital Citizenship presentation for faculty members provided in the Digital Citizenship Canvas course today, 10/26.

Only Chromebooks and iPads are used by students, laptops by teachers. LanSchool manages devices and profiles. Canvas has safety options like locking down areas. Clever allows teachers to control what students are accessing. Filters are on devices that stop unwanted apps and sites. Keywords are flagged and sent to the principal.

Our district and school policy is that personal devices need to stay in backpacks until the end of the day and school is out.

Principal has included her comments on the school’s digital citizenship plan on best practices on devices at school, as well the dangers to young minds.

  • ●  Question/comment: Please add Saavas math and Wonders programs to the “strengths of tech use” section of the report. Also, include a comment that controls are in place so the students will have safe access to these programs. The controls set in place work at school and on our school’s Chromebooks when brought home. Teachers can turn off the ability to message each other on Google Docs and Saavas.
  • ●  Question/comment: Did the assembly discuss “trusted” sources? Yes, the acronym Net Positive provided mentioned “approved” sites that are only right for you.SCC approval of the following guidelines of the school’s digital citizenship plan.

    1) District Filtering & Systems; Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate.

    All affirm, YES.

    2) Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to instil in students a defire to be good digital citizens?

    All affirm, YES.

    3) Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents in the community?

    All affirm, YES.

    Summary of comments to be included in the Safety Report. The desire for an additional SRO for elementary schools. Safer bus stops for elementary students. Establish policies on how to deal with individuals on school grounds, especially the fields in the back of the school. Proposal, enclose fields with fences or establish a policy and protocol in communicating with individuals trespassing on school grounds.

    Motion to finalize Safety Plan at next meeting (11/30). Motion seconded.

    Motion to discuss the Safe Walking Routes agenda item at the next meeting due to lack of time. Motion seconded.

    Motion to adjourn at 5:08. Motion seconded.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org