1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

November 30, 2022 – Minutes

Ridgecrest Elementary School Community Council Monthly Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 30, 2022- 4:00pm- Library

Members Present: Marci Cardon, Sara Allen (principal), Summer Gallegos, Stephanie Pierson, Carrie Christensen, Annette Hubley (teacher), Londyn Freeman (teacher), Anna Whiteley, Brad Hunter Absent: Julia Jensen

Call to Order at 4:05pm

● School climate updates and principal Report Recess safety/engagement/empowerment report from district– School doing really well in all 3 areas, will work on areas with lowest scores Acknowledged recess aides working so hard to make it fun for students Badges and cameras requested to be adjusted, district said they can address it, just not immediately Roof assessment: Ridgecrest is #1 in the district for needing a new roof (coming spring/summer 2023) Day of Play was Tuesday before Thanksgiving–big hit for everyone Attendance hasn’t gotten to 95% yet, we are about 84% now. Trying to problem solve ways to encourage having students attend daily and be on time

● PBIS feedback Teachers send 2 Tiger Pride tickets to Sara Allen weekly. Kids are rewarded by being Tiger of Week, choosing toys or books, or using Tiger chair for a day

● Finalize School Safety Report 1. Concern about adjusted bus stops safety, especially at Meadow Dr and Greenfield Way 2. Safety on upper playground with non-school adults on school property during recesses a. Need fence and policy b. Gate was added to the top of the stairs on the east side by 5th grade doors to help reduce foot traffic Other concerns discussed: 3. Request an additional school resource officer (SRO) 4. Shelter for K playground since the snow never melts on the north side of building 5. Adjusting drop off lane merge to before the U turn, retraining students/parents on using all of the drop off lane, even past the front crosswalk, and getting in and out of car quickly 6. Safety in parking lot–seems better this year, have noticed lots of respectful parents waiting across front crosswalk

● Review Acadiance Data and Tier 2 data Math goal: 80% growth, fall=59% of students at/above benchmark ELA goal: 70% growth, fall=65% of students at/above benchmark Tier II Summary: ELA: 68 students receiving ELA instruction with an interventionist Latinos in Action from Brighton HS, tutoring 4th graders to help the ELLs 23 students are using Lexia English software to develop English language skills Math: 43 students are receiving math instruction with an interventionist ST Math available for all students this year, using it 15-20 min/M-Th

● Overview of Current LandTrust and TSSP plan- any amendments needed? No amendment is needed Some extra money available because only 3 interventionists were hired, instead of 4 Consider hiring someone to help with absences, as there are many students who have missed many days

● Safe Walking Routes Plan- initial discussion of concerns More will be discussed next meeting

● December meeting needed?? Motion to not meet in December. All in attendance voted to skip it.

Motion to adjourn at 5:11. Motion seconded.

Next meeting will be January 25, 2023

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