Ridgecrest Elementary School Community Council
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024
4:00pm- Library
- Call to Order: 4:01 p.m.
In attendance: Sara Allen, Carrie Christensen, Fengmin Li, Anna Whiteley,
Chris Hettich, Cort Bouldin, Sammy Fan, Brooke Schneider,
Jeanne Herbert and Rhea Eggert
Absent: Stephanie McCabe, Elias Perez, and Alex Gibbs
- Previous Meeting Minutes:
- minutes have been approved
- Bylaws review
- Article 3, section 8 says, “SCC meeting minutes will be sent to members electronically for approval prior to being posted online and prior to the next scheduled SCC meeting.”
- We are required to post the minutes 1 week before the next meeting with the agenda. Technically, they can be draft minutes, but if we all agree to approve them by that time, it saves a step for our web manager.
- Bylaws review
- please approve minutes within a few days of receiving by email
- Review to ensure we are on course with Current Year’s:
- LAND Trust Plan
- Data
- Attendance and Office Referrals
- Graphs for attendance comparisons between last year and to date this year.
- To date attendance has increased with the percentage of students whose attendance is severe and off-track decreasing.
- Graphs for attendance comparisons between last year and to date this year.
- Attendance and Office Referrals
- Office Discipline Referrals (anything that is a significant discipline issue)
- Graphs for ODRs are attached.
- To note:Yearly comparisons:
- 2023: 328 episodes
- 2024: 276 episodes
- 2025: 64 episodes to date for 2024-2025 school years
- Comparison between last year and this year’s ODRs show a decrease in referrals for the months of September and October.
- Hourly comparison throughout daily episodes show ODRs tend to spike during lunch and the end of the day
- Lunch discipline has decreased so far this year which could be due to the change in schedule with recess before lunch.
- Check-in/Check-out program benefitting student behaviors
- Major behaviors are outlined by the district. They include behaviors that are disrupting the learning of all, showing continued defiance, and being repeatedly aggressive.
- Link to CSD’s Levels of Behavior document: Student Conduct & Discipline Process
- Expenditures
- Land Trust: on-track with budget
- Stipends: money used for stipends shown
- ST Math: covered partially by grants
- TSSA – on track with budget
- Counselor expenses could change with transition in counselors and salary levels.
- QTalk (4th & 5th grade): program to build more interactions between students in the dual-immersion classes.
- Land Trust: on-track with budget
- Begin Final Report for previous year’s plan- Due end of January
- Changes have not been made since first shared
- Review Attendance Plan
- Goal: 95% students at school daily
- Success measures: keep absences to 8 or less during the school year
- Teachers reach out to families when students are absent for three consecutive days.
- Hierarchy is followed by the office staff for 6 or more absences
- Tools to Maintain/Increase Attendance:
- Tiger Cub Club has been developed to help build relationships between teachers and students.
- Concerns are addressed in conferences with teachers and parents
- Thrive Time is used as a tool to increase attendance.
- Monitoring ODR ( Office Discipline Referrals)
- Additional school climate updates or principal report
- Susan Edwards has requested an adjustment to one of the safety plans – request for safe walking routes and advocating for sidewalks to be placed on streets
- Need to include specific roads for Bus 1255 route
- Stops on Greenfield Way and La Cresta Drive
- Need to include specific roads for Bus 1255 route
- Crosswalk painting request being moved to Community Needs on Safety Report
- Susan Edwards has requested an adjustment to one of the safety plans – request for safe walking routes and advocating for sidewalks to be placed on streets
- School Climate:
- New counselor
- A number of long term subs in the building
- Celebration for school Reading Challenge – Road to Success
- 91% of students are logging minutes
- Ridgecrest is 14th in the state for schools using Road to Success and Beanstack
- 1st/2nd place continually in CSD
- Shadow Day
- Found there is a need to develop/build students self-efficacy
- Stamina in learning as we build students learning skills
- Something which seems small to the teacher may seem big to our student – little things matter -both positive and negative
- BLT will look at experience and findings to see if and where improvements and changes can be made
Next meetings Wed., Dec. 18 (if needed), and/or Wed. Jan. 22, 2025
- December Meeting canceled by majority vote
- 4:58 adjourned. Anna motioned and Chris seconded