1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – September 11, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR   September 11, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Our fundraiser is in full swing. We had such a fun time with a great turn out for our community movie night on Friday! The Emperor’s New Groove is one of my favorite Disney movies. We have many more opportunities to participate in our fundraiser coming up this week. We are so grateful for the support we receive from our community. Thank you! More information about our fundraiser is below in the message from our PTA.


School Information

Parent Teacher Conferences – Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences will open on Wednesday of this week. Conferences will be held on September 28th and 29th in the evening. Our DLI classes will also hold conferences during the daytime Monday – Thursday of that week.  Please note that school will release at 1:40 PM on Thursday September 29th and there is no school held on Sept. 30th. Please sign up for your opportunity to speak to your child’s teachers as soon as possible. Available spots are first come first serve. Instructions for signing up for conferences are attached.


Messages delivery to students – We have had a few families ask about our process for getting messages to students during the school day so we thought it would be helpful to explain our general processes. First, we ask that you plan the day with your child before they come to school. Messages to your child during the school day should only be for emergencies. Second, if an emergency happens and your plans must change during the day, please reach out to your child’s teacher through Parent Square or email. Teachers will check their messages before school and again at lunch time and will do their best to get a message to your child. Teachers are busy teaching the rest of the day and may not see your email. If an emergency arises, or a message must get to your child between noon and 3:00 PM, please call the office and we will do our best to get the message to your child. We cannot accommodate delivering messages after 3:00 PM.


Ridgecrest Runner – Ridgecrest Runner is ready to kick off another year! We will begin on Friday 9/23 at 7:45am in the gym and meet every Friday morning before school at 7:45am. Students run roughly 1 mile per week to finish a Marathon by the end of the year. They also participate in a fitness-based activity every week in addition to the run. Please come dressed for running. All athletic levels welcome- Positive Attitude Recommended! Fill out the google form to sign up. https://forms.gle/JGWvmGoGQfRLSDvNA

Questions- contact Marci Cardon calebandmarci@gmail.com


Salta Testing – Perhaps you’ve noticed that your child has an insatiable curiosity or a need to explore subjects in surprising depth. Or an ability to quickly learn complex information. Or a near constant need for mental stimulation.

If so, your student might be a candidate for Canyons District’s SALTA magnet program for advanced learners. SALTA, Supporting Advanced Learners Toward Achievement, serves students who demonstrate significantly high cognitive and academic abilities in comparison to their peers.

Students in kindergarten through the seventh grade can apply online to test into the program for the 2023-2024 school year starting Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022.

Extra Beanie Babies? – Do you have Beanie Babies (or similar small stuffed animals) that you no longer need? Donate them to the Ridgecrest music program! We use our stuffed friends as “Beat Buddies” to learn music concepts and practice procedures in music class. If you have Beanie Babies in good condition that need a new home, bring them to the office or email Mrs. Longhurst at sherise.longhurst@canyonsdistrict.org. Thank you!

Road Restrictions – Please plan for possible delays next week.

Please be advised that Monday, September 13th – 16th crews will be working on the streets in our neighborhood. Access may be limited on streets surrounding the school on these days.


Our Fun Run will be on Friday September 16th between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Roads on the running route will be closed at times to keep students safe while they are running. A map of the route is attached. The road crews mentioned above, will not be working on our roads during the fun run.

Information previously shared that still might be helpful

Supporting Ridgecrest: We have many community partners who donate small amounts to us when you opt in to participate. Smith’s Food and Drug, and Amazon both have simple ways you can help provide funds to Ridgecrest with minimal effort. See the attached flier for more information. 



PTA News:

Thank you all who participated and helped with our fun events this past week! We had so much fun at Yoga in the park and our Community Night! We had a great turnout, and we loved seeing you all!


We still have a lot of money that we need to raise to reach our goal. This week we will have two challenge days for the students.


  • Monday (tomorrow), September 12th will be our “Rise to the Top” challenge. The class with the highest participation in donations made via cash or check, will earn an awesome prize for their teacher.
  • Wednesday, September 14th will be our “Change it up” challenge. On this day, have your student bring in all their change/coins. The grade that fills a bucket with the most coins, will earn double participation entries into the prize drawing!


Our annual Fun Run, to celebrate our fundraiser coming to a close, will be on Friday, September 16th. The Fun Run will be from 9-11am. The run times for each grade will be:

9:00       1st

9:25       2nd

9:50       3rd

10:00    K (½ mile)

10:15    4th

10:40    5th


We are still in need of a lot of volunteers to make everything flow and be successful. WE NEED YOU! Please take some time to look over the SignUp Genius (link below) and sign up where you can. Please note, volunteers need to be registered through the Canyons District.




If we meet our overall fundraising goal, Mrs. Allen and our PTA President will be transformed into…TIGERS for a day!!! AND… due to popular demand, after Ms. Allen and our PTA President are transformed into tigers, they will go on the roof of the school to greet students!!!

The students are so excited to see this! They LOVE having someone on the roof! We appreciate all your efforts to help see this through!


We will also be posting updates to our social media accounts, so make sure to follow us there to stay up to date with all that is happening!


Thank you for your help towards a successful fundraiser,

Your 2022-23 Ridgecrest Elementary PTA Board




12            PTA Meeting

16            Fun Run

19            Vision Screening

23            Ridgecrest Runners Begins

26            Picture Day

26-29      Parent Teacher Conferences

Book Fair

29            Early dismissal- school ends at 1:40 PM

30            No school



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


Fun Run Route and Times 2022-23-1-

Ridgecrest Fun Run Time Schedule flyer with QR Code-1-

Parent Instructions to Schedule PTC

Ridgecrest Runners 2022_1-compressed

Smith-s: Amazon Flier

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org