1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – October 30, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR   October 30, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Thank you for celebrating Red and White Ribbon weeks with us last week. Our PTA arranged fun activities and reminders for us and helped to make it a fun week while we learned about important topics.


I hope to see many of you tomorrow along our Halloween parade route!


School Information

Halloween – We will be holding our annual Halloween Parade as well as our classroom parties on Monday, Oct. 31st. The parade will start at 9:00 inside and we will proceed outside to the parade route by 9:15. Parents are encouraged to line the parade route and cheer us on. A copy of our parade route is attached.

Please help your child to pick an appropriate costume. Here are some guidelines:

  • No face masks or full-face paint.  We need to be able to visually identify students in costumes.
  • Costumes that are provocative, revealing, sexual in nature or employ questionable props are not permitted.
  • Costumes that depict violence, alcohol, or drugs are not permitted.   Fake (or real) weapons are not permitted.
  • Costumes that can be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not permitted.
  • Costumes should not hinder your ability to participate in classes
  • Costumes should include shoes
  • Costumes and dressing up is optional


Personal Technology Policy – Just a reminder that our school policy requires that all student personal electronics remain in backpacks during the day. This includes WIFI enabled watches and cell phones. These devices are very disruptive to classroom learning. Please know, if your child is wearing a watch, we will ask them to take it off and put it in their backpack. We have had an increase in students cheating, playing games, and receiving texts during the school day on their watches. If there is an emergency and you need to get a message to your child during the school day, please use Parent Square to message their teacher, or call the main office.


Veterans Day – Veterans Day is coming up on November 11th. We will have a short Veterans Day Assembly at 9:00 AM to honor our Veterans. Students brought home a Veterans information form this past week. Attached is the Veterans Wall form and Veterans Day flier. Please RSVP for the assembly no later than Wednesday, November 9th if you and your Veteran are coming to our assembly so we know how many people to plan on.


Food Drive – Our school is holding a food drive from November 4th-11th. The challenge this year is Chocolate flavor vs. Vanilla flavor. We will have a large box representing both flavors in our main hallway. Let’s see which flavor wins by filling their box with the most food donations! All food collected will be donated to families in need within our Ridgecrest community.


Drop off – Parents, please remember to wait until your car is next to the curb before letting your children exit or enter your car during drop off and pick up. We cannot have children walking through traffic areas. Please help us to remind your children how to be safe around cars.


Zones of Regulation – This week we are reviewing all that we have learned about Zones of Regulation.   Miss Allie will help us to put everything we have learned together so we can manage our big emotions when they happen. Here is this week’s video:: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3eTbIVqefe


Understanding School Bus Lights: Stop When the Red Arm is Out – As Fall turns to Winter, and the days get shorter and darker, we ask patrons to be on the lookout for young children walking to schools and bus stops, and to be mindful that buses make frequent stops. When you see a school bus slowing down or stopping, it’s not just the bus you need to have your eyes on, but the surrounding area too. Children may be crossing the street or attempting to board or get off the bus, which is why it’s illegal to pass a bus when the stop-arm is extended, and the red lights are flashing. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so please remember to stop when the red arm is out.



Information previously shared that still might be helpful

Community Recycling –Ridgecrest has a recycling bin, painted with a tiger, housed on the east side of the building. This is a resource to our community, so please feel free to use it. The following guidelines need to be followed so we can continue to enjoy this resource:


  • The dumpster is for cardboard and paper only. Please break down all cardboard boxes.  If the box is extremely large, please cut the box in half.
  • The dumpster is NOT for Styrofoam, laminated papers of any kind, wrapping paper, construction debris, or garbage


PTA News:

Hi Ridgecrest Families!


Thank you for your help and support for a successful Red Ribbon Week. The students had fun and will hopefully remember the pledge they made this week.


Don’t forget to submit your Reflections entries. The deadline is quickly approaching (November 4th). The theme this year is Show Your Voice. Check out the attached flier for more information.


As a reminder, we need to be electing our Nominating Committee soon. We need two non-board PTA members to serve on this committee, and these members are elected by the general PTA membership. Members who are elected to be on the Nominating Committee cannot be on the PTA board next year though. Please send over your information if you or someone you know would be willing to be on the Nominating Committee.


We are working on restocking our emergency buckets for each of our classrooms. These buckets will help bring supplies to our classes in the event of an emergency when students and teachers may be trapped in their classrooms. We are collecting items to stock these buckets and need help. We’ve been trying to collect donations from the community but haven’t gotten all of the items we need. These items include granola bars, fruit snacks, foil blankets, emergency long lasting glow sticks, hammers, bucket openers, and large first aid supplies. Keep your eye out for a Sign-Up Genius that will be coming soon to help donate these items.


Save the Date! Our next Community Partnership Night will be with Papa Murphy’s from November 16-19.


Also, don’t forget that Fridays are Tiger Spirit days! Students receive a small treat if they wear school colors or a Ridgecrest shirt. School colors must be the majority of the clothing item in order to be counted.


We hope you have an amazing week and a safe Halloween,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23 Board




31            Halloween Parade – 9:00 AM



1              Picture Retakes

4             Reflections due date

11            Veteran’s Day Assembly

End of first trimester

16-19      Papa Murphy’s Community Nights

18           Report cards sent home



Veterans Day Assembly RSVP Veterans Wall Form

Veterans Wall Form


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org