1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – October 24, 2021

RIDGECREST ROAR      Oct. 24, 2021

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

We have a busy week coming up.  We have Red and White Ribbon week as well as Halloween and Halloween parties. For more information, please read the PTA section at the bottom of this Roar.

We are still in need of parents for our Virtual Career Day. We only have two signed up so far. If we do not get more we will need to cancel this special day.  _Ridgecrest Career Day Flyer.pdf 

Contact Janet Jefferson with questions


The Halloween Parade and Parties are on Friday!

We will be holding our annual Halloween Parade as well as our classroom parties this Friday, Oct. 29th. The parade will start at 9:00 inside and we will proceed outside to the parade route by 9:15.  Parents are encouraged to line the parade route and cheer us on. Attached is the Parade Route. Halloween Parade Route.png 


PTA Information:

  1. We have a limited supply of shirts, hoodies, and hats available. Shirts and hats are $10 each and hoodies are $20 each. Email ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com to request items. Emails will be responded to in the order received. Please label items with your child’s name.
  2. Red & White Ribbon week is this week.  Your student/s should have brought home a flyer of the different themes for each day. red:white ribbon week.png 
  3. We still are in need of a few helpers for tomorrow’s activities.  Sign up here. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b094dada628abff2-ribbon
  4. Thank you to all who made it to Twisted Sugar on Wednesday for our Community Night.  We appreciate the support so much.
  5. Veteran’s Day form to honor veterans of any military branch will soon be coming home with students.  Please share with your student/s any relative that is/was in the armed forces and fill out the form.  We would like to have completed forms returned to create a display at the school.   VeteransWallInformationForm.pdf 
  6. We will be organizing a Food Drive the week of November 8th.  Watch for coming details.  
  7. ALL PTA members are invited to a General PTA Membership Meeting on Monday, November 15, at 8:45am.  Please join us to vote on approving our proposed bylaws. If you haven’t joined PTA and would still like to, it’s not too late. https://ridgecrest.memberhub.com/store       Ridgecrest Elementary PTA – Proposed Bylaws 2021.pdf 




25-29  Red and White Ribbon Week

25th     Picture Retakes                     all day                         Gym

27th     SCC meeting                           4:00-5:00 PM             Media Center

29th    Halloween Parade                 9:00-10:30                 School & Neighborhood


5          No In-Person School – remote learning day

8-12     Food Drive

12        Career Day                              9:00 AM

15th     PTA General Membership meeting 8:45 AM in the Media Center

17        SCC Meeting                                     4:00-5:00 PM        Media Center

24 & 25 No School – Thanksgiving Break


-Julie                                                                -Sara  

Julie Winfree, Principal                                Sara Allen, Assistant Principal

801-826-9250 school                                   801-826-9250 school

Julia.winfree@canyonsdistrict.org              Sara.Allen@canyonsdistrict.org                                          

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org