1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – October 17, 2021

RIDGECREST ROAR      Oct. 17, 2021

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

“Canyons School District will be celebrating Digital Citizenship Week on October 18-22, 2021! During this week, students of all ages will be participating in activities that will empower them to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.”

We are also excited to host a Virtual Career Day at Ridgecrest Elementary. If you are interested in presenting please fill out the attached form. https://forms.gle/VPAN7TgEyaXPC2gA8_Ridgecrest Career Day Flyer.pdf 

  • Virtual Career Day, Friday, November 12, 9:00am – 9:40am
  •         We will take volunteers on a first-come basis
  •         Presenters will speak  twice – 15 minutes in the first session, then repeat for a second session
  •         Each Grade will be in their own ZOOM session and listen to two presenters
  •         Presenters only have the option to speak to one grade (If you have multiple students in the school, you’ll need to select only one)
  •         Presenters will be contacted with the ZOOM link and instructions.  A district employee will host the meeting and facilitate the breakout rooms
  •         Ideas on what to talk about:
    •    Briefly describe an average day at work, talk about special projects, interesting/funny stories (Facts tell, stories sell!)
    •    Explain how you use the tools, props visuals, pictures, that you may have brought to showcase your career
    •    Help students make the connection between your career and academic subjects (math, science, English, etc.)
    •    Share what soft skills are needed to be successful in your career
    •    Make sure all content and materials are age appropriate
    •    Time for Q&A
  •         Contact Janet Jefferson with questions

This is what Career Day will look like:

  •         Date: Friday, November 12, 2021
  •         Time: 9:00AM-9:40AM
  •         A CSD Employee will create the ZOOM links and host the meetings with breakout rooms
  •         Teachers will be sent a link to the ZOOM Meeting through a calendar invite. They will need to login to the Meeting and project it to the class.
  •         Each grade will be in their own ZOOM session and listen to two (2) career speakers using breakout rooms
  •         Presenters only have the option to speak to one grade
  •         Presentations will be recorded and can be shared with additional grades if desired


Halloween is quickly approaching!

We will be holding our annual Halloween Parade as well as our classroom parties on Friday, Oct. 29th. The parade will start at 9:00 inside and we will proceed outside to the parade route by 9:15.  Parents are encouraged to line the parade route and cheer us on. Attached is the Parade Route. Halloween Parade Route.png 

Please help your child to pick an appropriate costume. Here are some guidelines:

  • No face masks or full face paint.  We need to be able to visually identify students in costumes.
  • Costumes that are provocative, revealing, sexual in nature or employ questionable props are not permitted.
  • Costumes that depict violence, alcohol, or drugs are not permitted.  Fake (or real) weapons are not permitted.
  • Costumes that can be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not permitted.
  • Costumes should not hinder your ability to participate in classes
  • Costumes should include shoes
  • Costumes and dressing up is optional


PTA Information:

  1. Reflections due date is Monday10/18. See details below.
  2. Twisted Sugar Community Fundraising on Wednesday, 10/20. If you go to the Ft. Union Twisted Sugar on this day (3-9pm) and mention Ridgecrest Elementary at the register, they will donate a portion of the sales to our school.
  3. Red & White Ribbon week is coming next week.  There are a few things we are looking for help with from volunteers.  Sign up with this link: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/60b094dada628abff2-ribbon. And a BIG thank you to those who signed up to donate candy for the week’s activities! If you haven’t already turned in the candy, please send it to the office.  
  4. Veteran’s Day form to honor veterans of any military branch will soon be coming home with students.  Please share with your student/s any relative that is/was in the armed forces and fill out the form.  We would like to have completed forms returned to create a display at the school. VeteransWallInformationForm.pdf 
  5. We will be organizing a Food Drive the beginning of November.  Watch for coming details.  
  6. ALL PTA members are invited to a General PTA Membership Meeting to vote on approving our proposed bylaws that are up for renewal.  We will meet to vote on them Monday, November 15, at 8:45am.  Please join us.  If you haven’t joined PTA and would still like to, it’s not too late. https://ridgecrest.memberhub.com/store       Ridgecrest Elementary PTA – Proposed Bylaws 2021.pdf 
  7. Ridgecrest Spirit Wear T-shirts, hoodies, and hats have finally arrived! Thank you for your patience. Please label items with your child’s name. We can’t wait to see all our students in their Tiger Spirit wear!
  8. Tiger Spirit has started! Gooo Tigers! Each Friday (but not Halloween) teachers will be looking for students wearing a Ridgecrest shirt (any Fun Run or Ridgecrest shirt is great), a predominantly blue or orange piece of clothing, or any clothing item corresponding to a class/school spirit day–pajamas, hat, socks, etc. Those students will receive a small prize/treat. We will NOT be counting small marks of blue or orange on clothing.


Reflections Due Monday, 10/18. Students reflect on the theme “I Will Change the World by….” and create a piece of art from the following categories:

  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production
  • Literature
  • Music Composition
  • Photography
  • Visual Art 2D and 3D

Parents enter and upload pieces online: utahpta.org/ref

Video on how to do this:  https://youtu.be/GcldKFMfcfI 

Link to instructions: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2b3cbe71-3c4f-42da-84ad-073fff168aba

Bring your pieces into the school and we will display them in the middle hallway! Or we can display a QR code

Rules for each category: https://www.utahpta.org/reflections-rules-category-faqs

Thank you all for your support and contributions to our school! 



18-22 Digital Citizenship week

25-29  Red and White Ribbon Week

25th     Picture Retakes                     all day                         Gym

29th    Halloween Parade                 9:00-10:30                 School & Neighborhood



-Julie                                                                -Sara  

Julie Winfree, Principal                                Sara Allen, Assistant Principal

801-826-9250 school                                   801-826-9250 school

Julia.winfree@canyonsdistrict.org              Sara.Allen@canyonsdistrict.org                                          

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org