1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – October 1, 2023

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

We enjoyed meeting with so many of you during our Parent Teacher Conferences. Thank you for taking the time to invest in your child’s education. It definitely makes a difference when we are all working together for our children.

Thank you also to our PTA who ran the Book Fair and provided wonderful dinners for teachers during their late nights last week. The support we receive from our community is very appreciated!

School Information

Ridgecrest is Hiring! – We have a new position available working to support one of our 1st grade classrooms. The position is 20 hours per week. If you are interested in being a part of the Ridgecrest Team, please click here for more information.

Dual Language Program – We have a couple dates coming up that are important for families in our Dual Language Program or who are interested in it for next year.

  • October 2nd – The DLI Lottery will open for students who will be in first grade next school year. To apply for the lottery, click this link. The application process will close on November 21st.

  • October 12th – There is a parent meeting for all families who are interested in the DLI program and would like more information before applying for the lottery. This will be from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Canyons Center at the district office.

  • Sept. 18- November 3rd – All 5th grade DLI students are asked to complete an Intent to Return form as they transition to middle school. This form can be accessed here as part of the DLI Secondary Orientation:  Secondary DLI Canvas Course. These forms are due on Nov. 3rd.

Information previously shared that still might be helpful

Brighton High School Sporting Events – Brighton High School Administration and our CHPD School Resource Officers are asking for your support. They are having problems during sporting events with unaccompanied children being disruptive and damaging school property, and are asking that elementary age children only attend sporting events when accompanied by an adult. They are also requesting that children stay seated as a spectator with their adult. The high school loves the community support and participation but would appreciate your help so that everyone can enjoy the events.

Digital Citizenship – We like to share tips with our families when we have information we think could be helpful. I am attaching a flier that provides information for families about the safe use of technology. It is full of great information. Take a look, and I hope you find it useful.

From the PTA

Hello PTA families! Thank you to all who helped with the book fair, teacher meals and those who came to books and breakfast! We appreciate all the support that the community gives to your PTA.

We have our fundraiser kicking off this week! Be on the lookout for more information. The fundraiser will run from 10/2/23-10/15/23. This year we want to focus on field games for recess that will keep kids moving but also help us beat the heat during our hot fall months. Other funds raised will go towards our before and after school programs, student incentives, technology, field trips, class parties, teacher appreciation, and Fun Run T-shirts.

Drop in Yoga- As part of our fundraiser week we will have a yoga day this Wednesday at 10 on the grass at  Antczak Park! Come do a yoga session with Brooke Schneider who is a certified yoga teacher. It is an all levels donation based yoga class. All donations will go towards the fundraiser!

Spirit Wear- The final spirit wear order will be placed tonight at midnight! Make sure to get your orders in if you want spirit wear for the year. You can order at  https://ridgecrest.memberhub.com/store

Community Night- We have a Community night with Zupas scheduled next Wednesday during our fundraiser week. A flier will go home next Tuesday with more information.

Ridgecrest Runners-  Ridgecrest Runners has started and meets Friday’s at 7:45 A.M. Please complete the google form to register https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexTwZET3kwHX3nk4Z1SEmzHA1cHOHx5VQF3lYU-lVrj7Cc7A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Registration is open until Wednesday, October 11th. Contact Jackie Freeman at jackiefreeman347@hotmail.com with any questions.

Reflections – We’re excited to announce it’s REFLECTIONS time again!! 🎉

This year’s theme: “I feel hope because…”. Every student is invited to participate and all entries due Oct. 23rd, 2023. Ask your child, “what brings you hope?”, let them reflect,  and watch them create!! They can enter as many of the following categories that they would like, but only one entry per category:

  • Literature (i.e. a poem, short story, narrative)

  • Music Composition (audio files only, all types of music welcome)

  • Photography (child must take the photo)

  • Film (child must hold the camera)

  • Visual Art 2D (Something you could hang on a wall- use any medium that lays flat)

  • Visual Art 3D (i.e. sculpture, carpentry, jewelry, ceramics, diorama, something you typically wouldn’t hang on a wall)

  • Dance Choreography (child must create the choreography)

Every student who enters receives a certificate and a prize! ⭐️ Parents will submit entries online here: utahpta.org/ref and please make sure you check the rules for the specific category your student is entering by clicking here: https://www.utahpta.org/reflections-rules-category-faqs

✨ After you’ve submitted your child’s entry online, please send any art pieces to the media center for display at the school so we can all be inspired ✨Questions? Contact Emily Featherstone @ emilylfeatherstone@gmail.com 💛Check out this cool reflections video: https://vimeo.com/861402114  (your students will be watching it this week too!)


Suzy Doom




2    Fundraiser Begins

4    Drop in Yoga            Antczak Park

4    Community Night         ZUPA’s

6    Hearing Screening        K-3 grades

12    Arts Assembly

13    Fun Run            9-11        Neighborhood

19-20    No School – Fall Recess

23    No School – Teacher work day

27    End of 1st Quarter

31    Halloween Parade    9-10:30



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org