Principal’s Message
Good evening Ridgecrest families,Thank you for joining us at our STEM Night. It was pretty amazing!! Thank you to Alicia Freeman who organized our STEM Night. Thank you also to all the volunteers who made it happen. We can’t do these wonderful community events without everyone pitching in.
We are so appreciative of our Ridgecrest community. It requires trust between families and school staff to make our community work as well as it does. We are so grateful that you trust us with your children each day and I can tell you the Ridgecrest staff works hard every day to be worthy of and to continue to earn that trust.
There will not be a Ridgecrest Roar next weekend because of the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope you have a wonderful time with those you love.
With gratitude,
Mrs. Allen
DLI Lottery Applications Due 11/26
Ridgecrest has a fantastic Chinese Dual Language program, as many of you know. We take applications during October and November for entrance into this program for students who will be in first grade next school year. Please help us to spread the word. The application deadline is quickly approaching. To apply for the lottery, click this link.
Chinese New Year Performers
Our annual Chinese New Year Celebration will be in February this year. That means it is time for us to recruit and begin practicing with those 5th Grade students who are interested in performing during our Chinese New Year Celebration.
We will be learning and performing various forms of Chinese dance: dragon, ribbon, and fan. We will have 7 practices on Tuesdays, after school until 4 PM in the Ridgecrest gym. Our first practice will be on Dec.10th.
If you are interested, please click here to sign up: Sign up for Chinese New Year Performers
Million Minute Reading Challenge
We can tell that our families are invested in reading with their children because it shows in the amount of participation we see with our Ridgecrest Reading Challenge! Help us celebrate our progress with your children by reviewing our most recent statistics on our journey toward one million minutes read.
- 212,711 total reading minutes have been read this school year toward our 1 Million Minute goal!
- We have reached 92% student participation using Beanstack and the Road to Success program.
- We are currently in 2nd place among schools in Canyons School District, and 14th place in the state amongst schools participating in this program!
We are so proud of our reading Ridgecrest tigers! Keep up the great reading.
From Our PTA
Hello Ridgecrest Families,
What a delightful week it has been for our Ridgecrest Community. Stem Night was such a great success thanks to our wonderful Stem Teacher Ms. Freeman and to all of our amazing volunteers and student help. It was heart warming to see your students show up and engage in the Stem activities provided. Also, thank you to all of you who used your Papa Murphys Ridgecrest Community Night Tickets. Every bit counts!And in the spirit of the season I would like to extend my appreciation to all of you that allow me to be a part of the PTA and evolve as an advocate for your students. As you may know PTA is the biggest national child advocacy program and I feel very honored to have this opportunity to engage and advocate for our community and especially the students at Ridgecrest.
Nominating Committee
It is that time to elect a nominating committee for the PTA Board next year. If you are a PTA member and are interested in helping choose the officers for next years board at Ridgecrest please send us an email at Ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com. We are looking for 2 people. It is a nice way to be involved in the PTA process without being on next years board. FYI we need to elected the nominating committee by 12/31. Thanks in advance for your interest and willingness. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Follow us on Insta for updates and information regarding PTA activities at Ridgecrest. Instagram
PTA Mission“To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”
Brooke Schneider
Ridgecrest PTA President 24/25
Important Dates
November 26: Day of Play
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 2: PTA Meeting at noon
December 5: Book Blitz Jr. 3:30 PM
December 10: Choir and Reflections Assembly for students 9:00 AM
December 10: Choir Performance for families 6:00 PM
December 16: Holiday Sing Along for Parents
- 9:00 AM K-2 grades
- 9:30 AM 3-5 grades
December 21- January 5: Holiday Break
Contact Info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
- (801) 826-9250
- sara.allen@canyonsdistrict.org
- www.ridgecrest.canyonsdistrict.org
Sara Allen
Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary