1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – November 2, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR   November 6, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

I love the Halloween tradition of parading through the neighborhood and enjoyed seeing so many families ready to celebrate with us this past Monday!


It is cold outside in the mornings. Please help your child to come with layers that will help them to be warm enough while they line up and wait to come inside once the bell rings. As a reminder, students will be outside unless it is less than 23 degrees, or the weather is especially wet. If your child needs a coat, we may be able to help. Please reach out to our main office at (801) 826-9250.


School Information

Attendance – We have been working to improve attendance at school by rewarding classes when they have 90% of their class present and on time. We have had many classes earn prizes! Please help our classes to earn their prizes by having your child to school on time each day. Last week, as a school, we averaged 87% of our students present each day. Ultimately, we would like to see that increase to 95%. We will keep you updated on our progress.


Veterans Day – Veterans Day is coming up on Friday, November 11th. We will have a short Veterans Day Assembly at 9:00 AM to honor our Veterans. Students brought home a Veterans information form this past week. Attached are the Veterans Wall form and Veterans Day flier. Please make sure to RSVP if you and your Veteran are coming to our assembly, no later than this Wednesday, November 9th, so we know how many people to plan on.


Food Drive – Our school is holding a food drive from November 4th-11th. The challenge this year is Chocolate flavor vs. Vanilla flavor. We will have a large box representing both flavors in our main hallway. Let’s see which flavor wins by filling their box with the most food donations! All food collected will be donated to families in need within our Ridgecrest community. Please see the attached flier for recommended items to donate.


College and Career Week – Along with our food drive, we’re celebrating college and career week. Teachers will be sharing about college and careers during their morning meetings. On Thursday, everyone is encouraged to wear college shirts or sweaters.


Bus Reminders – If your children ride the bus would you please take a moment to remind them that the rules of school apply on the bus, and that they must listen to the directions given by the bus driver just like they would all other school adults. This is how we make sure that students are safe on the bus.


Community Resource – There are many available dates, times, and locations to get a flu shot and/or a Covid Booster shot if you are interested. More information is on the attached fliers.


Information previously shared that still might be helpful

Drop off – Parents, please remember to wait until your car is next to the curb before letting your children exit or enter your car during drop off and pick up. We cannot have children walking through traffic areas. Please help us to remind your children how to be safe around cars.


PTA News:

Hi Ridgecrest Families!


We will be electing our Nominating Committee soon. We need two non-board PTA members to serve on this committee, and these members are elected by the general PTA membership. Members who are elected to be on the Nominating Committee cannot be on the PTA board next year though. We still need your nominations for this committee. Please send over your information if you or someone you know would be willing to be on the Nominating Committee.


We are working on restocking our emergency buckets for each of our classrooms. These buckets will help bring supplies to our classes in the event of an emergency when students and teachers may be trapped in their classrooms. We are collecting items to stock these buckets. We’ve been trying to collect donations from the community but haven’t gotten all the items we need. Items include granola bars, fruit snacks, foil blankets, emergency long lasting glow sticks, hammers, bucket openers, large first aid supplies. Keep your eye out for a Sign-Up Genius coming soon to help donate these items.


Our next Community Partnership Night will be with Papa Murphy’s from November 16-19.


Also, don’t forget that Fridays are Tiger Spirit days! Students receive a small treat if they wear school colors or a Ridgecrest shirt. School colors must be most of the clothing in order to be counted, but any Ridgecrest shirt (fun run shirts included) count as Tiger Spirit.


Have an amazing week,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23




11            Veteran’s Day Assembly

End of first trimester

14            PTA Meeting

16-19     Papa Murphy’s Community Nights

18            Report cards sent home

21            DLI Applications window closes

23-25     Thanksgiving Break – No school



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org