1800 East 7200 S., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – May 27, 2024

RIDGECREST ROAR       May 26, 2024

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Welcome to our final issue of our newsletter for this school year! 

Our kindergarten classes finished their school year last Thursday. We are so proud of all they learned this school year and can’t wait to see the great things they do in first grade next school year! 

Next week also marks the end of this school year for our 1-5 grade students. We have had so much fun celebrating all of their achievements during this past week. We want to note in our final newsletter how grateful we are to our community. Thank you for sharing your children with us and for participating in our community. It takes us all working together to make Ridgecrest the best it can be for all our children. Have a wonderful summer!

School Information.

Field Day – Field Day is almost here and we need your help! 

  • Field Day for grades 1-5 will be on May 28th. 

Please apply sunscreen to your student before school. Send students with a hat and water bottle with your child’s name on it. Water games will be a part of the Grades 1-5 Field Day. Swimsuits are not allowed, but please send a towel, dress students in quick-dry sports clothes if you have them, and send a change of clothes with your student in case they do get wet. 

Please sign up to volunteer – We especially need volunteers for 4th and 5th grade still.

Sign-Up for Grades 1-5 here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BAAA62FA0FD0-49688786-ridgecrest

Summer Reading – We have had fun sharing our reading passion with our community this year and we don’t want to stop now. So, if you are looking for ways to continue reading opportunities with your children this summer, please consider accessing SORA. This is an online library that is accessed using your child’s district login information. It will continue to be available through the summer.  I am attaching basic instructions as well as a step by step guide to help explain how to use this excellent reading resource.

Last Day of School – Our last day of school is on Thursday, May 30th.  All students will be dismissed at 12:45 PM on this day. Please make sure to have arrangements made for your children after school. We will not have adult supervision for students past this time.

Lost and Found – We will be donating our lost and found on the last day of school at noon.  Please remind your child to check the lost and found this week.

From the PTA:

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped with the kindergarten field day and thanks in advance to those that have already signed up for 1st-5th field day Tuesday! There are still spots available to help. Please see the signups above.

Needs Assessment- We have a survey to fill out for all the parents and staff. This survey will let the PTA know the activities you like and any suggestions that you might have for next school years programs. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbhgg4fDqNYe9ZIXqNXY-sEMztj1uD9qbcF0567etSPV0y6A/viewform


Suzy Doom

PTA President 




28    Field day 1-5 grades

30    Last Day of School – 12:45 PM Dismissal



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


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