1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – May 22, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR              May 22nd, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

The end of a school year is always bittersweet. It is exciting to look back at the accomplishments of our students and teachers and I am always filled with such pride. It is also a time of change. We say goodbye to some staff members who have new adventures waiting for them and we send our 5th grade students on to middle school. Our 5th graders  are ready and will be in good hands, but we hope they remember all they learned and all those who have cheered for them and supported them as they have grown here at Ridgecrest. It is going to be a fun final week!

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to another spectacular year with most of you.

Until August,

-Sara Allen


School Information

Ridgecrest is Hiring! – We have two positions open on our staff next year. We are looking for a behavior assistant and a reading interventionist. If you or someone you know is great at working with kids and wants to join a wonderful team please apply here: https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/jobs/44

Full Day Kindergarten – Planning for full day kindergarten is moving forward. We have hired new teachers and are working to supply additional kindergarten rooms. We also have many families who are interested in coming to Ridgecrest and have asked for a permit to join our full day kindergarten classes. If you haven’t enrolled your student in kindergarten, please do so quickly. We cannot accept permits until we have a better idea of how many students we will have that live within our boundaries. Additional information about our kindergarten plans for next year can be found here: Kindergarten 2022-2023, half day accommodations.pdf

Summer Lunch Program – Did you know that when school is out for summer, Canyons District students can still get school breakfast and lunch? In fact, all children 18 years and younger are eligible to receive nutritional meals free of charge through Canyons’ federally-approved Summer Food Service Program. The 2022 Summer Food program will begin on June 1 and run through July 29. Unlike the pandemic, when sack meals were distributed curbside, these meals will be served inside school cafeterias at the following four, centrally-located sites. At all sites, Monday through Friday, breakfast will be served from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There will be no meal service on July 4 and July 25 when Canyons schools close in observance of national and state holidays.

  • East Midvale Elementary, 6990 S. 300 East, Midvale
  • Midvale Elementary, 7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale
  • Sandy Elementary, 8725 S. 280 East, Sandy
  • Midvalley Elementary, 217 E. 7800 South, Midvale

Information previously given that may still be helpful

Summer Activity Option – During the summer, the kids are home, they may even get bored….Solution? Get creative! Reflections art contest begins in the fall soon after school starts, so why not start now?! Students reflect on next year’s theme “Show Your Voice” and create visual art, choreograph a dance, compose a musical piece, take a photo, film a video, or write a story! Happy Summer! Contact Angela Toone sogoodgirl@gmail.com with any questions.

From the PTA:

PTA is collecting notes/pictures for Mrs. Winfree. Tomorrow is the last day that cards and a basket will be in the office. There will also be some at the volunteer check in table at the pavilion during field day. Feel free to add a note; please only write on one side since we will be putting them in a book.

We are excited for FIELD DAY tomorrow, May 23rd. We will have some water activities, so please have your student dress appropriately (hat, sunscreen, water bottle).  No swimsuits, however. If they want to bring a change of clothes that would be a good option as well. Please wear good shoes for our sports activities. We will provide plenty of drinking water during the field day.

There are still some openings for help, so please look at the signup genius below if you can make yourself available tomorrow. This is a great opportunity to have fun and celebrate with your student. Thank you to those who have signed up to volunteer!


Tuesday, May 24th we will have the 5th graders vs the teachers kickball game. Thank you to those who have signed up to sit with classes while their teachers play.


The PTA Board would love your feedback on this year’s programs and events.  We appreciate you filling out this survey:

https://forms.gle/v7ZStEVJfFFhmgb68 It will help guide what happens next year. Watch stories on our Instagram (@ridgecrest_pta) for replies to questions and comments.

We hope you will consider joining Ridgecrest Elementary PTA in the fall. There will be a link to join during online registration in August. Have a safe, wonderful summer!



5/23  1-5 grades Field Day

5/20  Last Day of Kindergarten

5/23-25 Kindergarten KEEP testing

5/26  Last Day of School – early out at 12:45



Sara Allen, Principal

801-826-9250 school


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org