1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – March 27, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR              March 27th, 2022

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

What a beautiful weekend! I hope everyone was able to enjoy some of the warm weather. Our weekends started with a wonderful Ridgecrest talent show. It was really amazing to see the variety of skills, passions, and talents that our students shared. I am always impressed with the bravery and commitment our students demonstrate. Thank you PTA for organizing such a wonderful evening and to the families and students that made it possible.

This week we also got to meet the newest tigers at our Kindergarten Orientation and celebrate our winners in the Spelling Bee!

School Information

Community Recycling –Ridgecrest has a recycling bin, painted with a tiger, housed on the east side of the building. This is  a resource to our community, so please feel free to use it. The following guidelines need to be followed so we can continue to enjoy this resource:

  • The dumpster is for cardboard and paper only. Please break down all cardboard boxes.  If the box is extremely large, please cut the box in half.
  • The dumpster is NOT for styrofoam, laminated papers of any kind, wrapping paper, construction debris, or garbage

Digital Citizenship – Parents know firsthand the impact a poor night’s sleep has on kids. Lack of sleep can contribute to crankiness, problems with attention and learning, behavior issues, and even health problems such as obesity. Though the reasons for poor sleep vary, there’s growing evidence that media and technology interfere with bedtime routines and sleep. Learn more from Common Sense about how to help your kid get a good night’s sleep at https://cnyns.org/3iQHsSb.

Champions After School Care – There is a virtual open house being held this Tuesday, March 29th, by our after school partner Champions. This program is housed at Ridgecrest.  If you would like to attend this to get more information about the after school program, please contact Jessica Nelson for the link.Champions Open House 3.29.22.pdf

Jessica Nelson

Site Director

Champions at Ridgecrest Elementary


Zones of Regulation – This week we are reviewing all that we have learned about  Zones of Regulation.  Miss Allie will help us to put everything we have learned together so we can manage our big emotions when they happen. Here is this week’s video:: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3eTbIVqefe


Information previously shared that may still be helpful

Job opportunities – Ridgecrest is in need of afternoon sweepers. This job requires 2 hours of time in the afternoons after students have gone home. If you, or someone you know, is interested in a few extra hours of work each day, this could be a good option. Those interested, should reach out to our main office for more information.

Attendance – Chronic absenteeism—or missing 10 percent or more of school days for any reason—can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by third grade, achieving in middle school and graduating from high school. Regular attendance has become difficult while we all have tried our best to navigate the pandemic in a safe and healthy way.  While we need kids with fevers and/or COVID symptoms to stay home, we also are noticing unprecedented rates of chronic absenteeism this school year.  Our concern is that this will negatively impact academics and social-emotional growth in the future. We’re hoping that everyone can stay healthy for the remainder of the school year and attend school as regularly as possible.

From our PTA:

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winners! Lower Division winners were Bronson Karr & Analise Good. The Upper Division winners were Tyler Phillips and Caiden Cobb.  Thank you to all our participants and volunteers.

Congratulations also go to all our Talent Show participants!  We had a great turn out to see some amazing talents. Thank you to everyone involved; we were excited to have this event in person. If your student submitted visual art, please have them pick up their art from the office tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thank you for the support at our Zupas community night Thursday!  We sure appreciate it. FYI our next fundraiser night will be Mon 4/18 at Swig.



3/30   SCC Meeting 4 PM

4/4-8   Spring Recess – No school

5/11   PTA Meeting 12 PM

4/18   End of Year Assessments begin

4/18  Community Night at Swig

4/22   Remote Learning Day

4/25 – 4/29 Teacher Appreciation Week



Sara Allen, Principal

801-826-9250 school


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org