1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – March 24, 2024

RIDGECREST ROAR        March 24, 2024

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

What a fantastic talent show we had on Friday night! We had a wide variety of talents displayed including a hoverboard dance, a Kpop performance, glow in the dark dancers, and many wonderful musical and dance performances, just to name a few. Thank you to our PTA who works hard to make these wonderful events happen for our community. And, thank you to our performers, you were truly impressive.

Spring Break is coming up April 1-5 and the school will be closed during this week. The next Ridgecrest Roar will come out on April 7.

School Information

STEAM Night – We are very excited to announce our first ever STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Night on April 9th! This event is open to everyone in our Ridgecrest community! Please plan to join us.

Our STEM teacher, Alicia Freeman, and a team of volunteers will be facilitating a variety of STEAM activities at Ridgecrest on this night. We hope it will be a fun evening full of STEAM exploration for our students and their families. To do our best to have enough activities for everyone, we are holding 2 sessions on this night. Food will not be provided during this event. 

  • 5:30-6:30, Session 1 – for students whose last name starts with A – M

  • 6:45-7:45, Session 2 – for students whose last name starts with N – Z

Ridgecrest Readers: Staff Recommendations – 

Where the Red Fern Grows is a novel by Wilson Rawls. It was one of my favorite books to read. The novel follows a twelve-year-old named Billy as he saves up for and eventually buys a pair of redbone coonhounds to help him hunt in the Ozarks. Overall, Where the Red Fern Grows is a heartwarming book about friendship, love, and loyalty between a boy and his dogs. It’s hard not to cry at parts and the ending is simply beautiful

  • Mrs. Rowell, 3rd grade teacher  

Lost and Found – Our lost and found is full! We will be donating lost items at the end of this week. Please stop by to see if your child’s items are there or remind your child to take a look this week.

Dress Code Reminder –  As we head into spring, it is a good time to review the dress code for school. Our district’s dress code can be found attached to this post, if you would like to see the full policy. At Ridgecrest, we emphasize coming dressed in clothing that is appropriate for the day’s weather and activities as well as demonstrating respect and safety while performing the job of being a student. A few of the highlights from our district policy to review with your children are:

  • Tops should cover the trunk of the body and bottoms should extend to approximately mid-thigh. A picture of the figure that explains this in our district policy is attached to this week’s message.

  • Hats and hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the building.

  • Shoes should be worn at all times.

  • We shouldn’t see anyone’s underwear.

Please know that as a staff we approach dress code as a learning opportunity and we will always do our best to be kind. We would appreciate your help making sure your children understand what is and is not appropriate for the school setting as well.

From the PTA:

Hello PTA families! The talent show was such a successful night. It is so amazing to see all the talent that we have at our school. Thank you so much to Stacy Stewart and Jessica Cutler for all the hard work and hours that went into making the night run smoothly.

Teacher Appreciation- Teacher appreciation week is coming up at the beginning of May. If you are interested in helping with that event and being part of the committee please contact Emily Stanfield at (801)641-6432. The more help the better!

Our next PTA meeting is Monday, April 8th at noon in the library conference room.


Suzy Doom

PTA President 



25    No Students – Teacher Professional Day

26    5th Grade Maturation Program at Butler Middle School

27    SCC Meeting

29   Teacher of the Year Announcement

        Day of Play


1-5    Spring Break – No School

8      PTA Meeting

9      STEAM Night at Ridgecrest


Sara Allen

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org