1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – January 9, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR – Jan. 9, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,


We had a great first week back from the holiday break! It can be challenging to return from a long break like this because most of us do not maintain the same schedules we normally have. To help get us all back in the learning mindset, teachers spent time reviewing our school rules and reviewed basic information about how we do things here at Ridgecrest. We have been really proud of how well our students have done this week. Thank you for your support getting them back into their school routines!


School Information

No-student day – As a reminder, Friday, Jan. 14 is a no-student day, which means students will not be expected to engage in independent learning. This also means schools will not be sending sack meals home with students the preceding Thursday. We will, however, have our Ridgecrest Runners on Thursday morning. Canyons schools will remain closed through Monday, Jan. 17 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. We hope you enjoy the four-day break, and we look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022. 


Mask Mandate- Since the start of the pandemic, Canyons District has followed applicable COVID-19-related laws and orders, such as the current health order by the Salt Lake County Health Department. This 30-day order, which went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 8, requires masks in public places, including schools, until Feb. 7 or until further notice. While state law prohibits school districts from putting into place mask mandates on their own, a temporary mask mandate can be ordered by the county health department. 


We want to say thank you for the effort our community has made to keep each other safe and healthy by keeping your children home when they are sick or when family members have tested positive for Covid. We appreciate your support and continued kindness as we all work through this together. Masks will be required for everyone entering Ridgecrest until Feb. 7 or further notice. Please help your child come prepared with their own mask starting tomorrow.


Teacher of the Year- It is time once again to recognize the teachers at Ridgecrest who make such a difference in the lives of our students through the Teacher of the Year nomination process. Please click on the link below to nominate the teachers who have made a difference to your child this year. You can fill out the link multiple times if you are interested in nominating more than one teacher.   https://forms.gle/rvSjqkSr58W7aPoV6


Zones of Regulation- We’re continuing to learn about the Zones of Regulation this week.  We’re connecting feelings to different color zones, and identifying the zone and feeling people may have in different situations.  Each week, a video will be created and shared with students.  You’ll be able to find all of them on Miss Allie’s Canvas course, here’s a link: https://rb.gy/goau0i



For Parents/Guardians:

Please remember to send your child dressed appropriately for the weather. 

  • Mornings: Students are let into the school in the mornings when it is 22 degrees or colder. Otherwise, students wait outside until 8:40.
  • Recess: Students will be outside for 15-20 minutes during their recess time whenever possible. This is much more enjoyable when they are dressed for snowy winter weather.


Champions Day Care Program:  We are pleased to announce that Champions, an after school daycare program, will be using Ridgecrest as a host site in January.  Please read the attached letter for more information.  Add flier here


The Countdown to Supplemental Kindergarten: The coming school year may seem light-years away, but the time to plan for kindergarten is now. Our school is pleased to be offering Supplemental Hours of Kindergarten Instruction, and you can apply to enroll for the 2022-2023 school year starting Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2022 to participate in the opt-in, tuition-based program. Space is limited and applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Phase one of the application process will end on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 11:59 p.m. By Feb. 15, families will be notified of whether their students have been admitted or placed on a waiting list with the option of enrolling in another Canyons District school with openings. Supplemental Kindergarten sets up students for a successful school launch by providing four additional hours of instruction every school day. Participants begin and end school the same time as their first- through fifth-grade peers. Cost for the program is $2,950 a year, and can be paid in monthly installments. A 10 percent discount is available for parents and guardians who pay the yearly tuition in full at one time. There also is a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $100. Financial-need scholarships also are available for qualifying students. More information, including answers to common questions, is on the CSD website.


 PTA News:

Class Spelling Bees are Tuesday this week for 1st – 5th grades.  Good luck students! Winners from each class will move on to grade level school bees held on Monday, January 24th. For more words to study or tips for spelling bee success, take a look at http://spellingbee.com


Do you love supporting Ridgecrest and its amazing students? The PTA Board needs additional Vice Presidents for the next school year (2022-2023)! Serving in this role allows you to have a great balance between serving your school and taking care of your busy life. It’s a commitment to a monthly meeting and then supporting the activities of your choice. Get to know your school, students, and parents better by serving on the board and have fun doing it! Please inquire by contacting the individuals below by March.

Julia Jensen: jjensen.esl@gmail.com

Darrell Smith: darrell.lynn.smith2@gmail.com

Marci Cardon: calebandmarci@gmail.com

(Sara, please insert flyer)


We have exciting things happening in the next couple of weeks. Specific information will be sent by teachers in their newsletters.



10th – DARE Graduation 5th grade

10th  – Acadience Testing grades 3-5

10th – PTA meeting

11th – Class spelling bees

14th – Teacher Grading Day – No school for students. 

17th- No school – MLK Jr. Day  

24th- Grade level spelling bees

26th- SCC meeting 



1st- Community Night – Tokyo Teriyaki from 2-3 pm

4th – Teacher of the Year Nominations Due

4th – Chinese New Year classroom celebrations

11th – Remote Learning Day – Students at home                                    


-Julie                                                                     -Sara    

Julie Winfree, Principal                                 Sara Allen, Assistant Principal

801-826-9250 school                                     801-826-9250 school

Julia.winfree@canyonsdistrict.org           Sara.Allen@canyonsdistrict.org                                                      


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org