1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – January 8, 2023

RIDGECREST ROAR   January 8, 2023


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

What a great first week back we had with your children! We have many exciting events coming up in the next few weeks. There is a lot of information for you below.


Please be aware that school will not be held for students on January 13th or 16th. Teachers will be using the 13th for grading and professional development and the building will be closed on the 16th for observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


We are looking forward to a great second half of the school year with you and your children.


School Information

Parking Lot – We will be slightly changing our drop off and pick up procedure starting Monday, 1/9. Attached is a map of our parking lot with a diagram to help you understand the changes. This map was also sent home with your child on Friday.

  1. We will ask all cars to merge into one lane as they approach the curb. There will be cones placed in one lane to help guide you.
  2. Please pull forward as far as possible and use the entire length of the curb for drop off. All cars behind you will be stopped until you move forward.
  3. We need all students ready to exit their car BEFORE you get to the drop off curb.
  4. The outer lane will be used for you to pull out AFTER your child exits the car.
  5. There will be one lane exiting the drop off area.
  6. Our exit requires right turns only (onto 7200 S) during drop off and pick up times. This is required to keep our traffic flow moving. Please be courteous to everyone waiting behind you.


Digital Citizenship Monthly Tip – Technology is a powerful tool that affords many opportunities for growth, communication, and fun.  It can also bring about tricky situations where kids may need support in making thoughtful decisions.  Having open dialogue and developing a family media use agreement can help kids to preemptively think through important questions around tech use.  A family media use agreement can be a powerful tool in developing a shared vision of how your family makes the most out of their use of technology.  Use this guide to spark the conversation.


Champions – Champions will host an all-day program at Canyon View Elementary next Friday. Since there is no school for Canyons School District on January 13th, all children are welcome to attend. Please reach out to the Ridgecrest site director if you would like to sign up your child.

  • Event: Champions All-Day Program
  • Where: Canyon View Elementary School, 3050 Bengal Blvd, Cottonwood Heights UT
  • Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Cost: $45
  • RSVP: email or text Em Tijerina at 385-233-1900 ch002152@discoverchampions.com


Choir Resumes – 3-5th grade Choir rehearsals start this week, and we welcome new members! No experience is necessary, and we do not require an audition. Just bring your best attitude and be ready to sing wonderful music and make new friends! The fourth and fifth grade choir meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 in the music room, and the third-grade choir meets on Thursday mornings at 8:00.


Our spring concert is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, at 6:00 PM.


We will be accepting new choir members until the end of January. Please register at https://tinyurl.com/Choir2022-23. (Students who participated last semester don’t need to register again.)


If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Longhurst at sherise.longhurst@canyonsdistrict.org.


Letters to Cottonwood Heights City – Many Ridgecrest students will be participating in a writing project with Cottonwood Heights City in January 2023. These letters will be displayed in Cottonwood Heights City Hall during the month of February. Each letter displayed will have the child’s name posted next to it. You have the choice as parents/guardians to opt your child out of having your child’s letter displayed. All student work will be displayed unless a parent/guardian chooses to opt-out, using this form:  https://forms.gle/wne4GnVJhCECbUWZA.


If you would like your child’s letter to be displayed, DO NOT complete this form. No further action is needed. If you have questions, please contact Sara Allen at (801) 826-9250.


PTA News:

Happy New Year Ridgecrest Families!


The Spelling Bee is here. Class Bees will be tomorrow, January 9th, and the School Bees will be on January 23rd.


Our next meeting is also tomorrow at noon in the Media Center. Feel free to join us and hear what is happening and learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities.


Our next community night is with Raising Canes this Tuesday, January 10th from 5-8. We receive a percentage back from each purchase, so make sure to mention you are with Ridgecrest Elementary to help support our PTA programs.


Mark your calendars! Our Chinese New Year Celebration will be on February 2nd from 6-8pm. This is a fun tradition at our school, and we hope to see you there!


We are taking nominations for our PTA Board for next year. Are you willing to help out so we can continue with some awesome events and programs? Do you know anyone that would like to get involved? Make sure to let us know if you would like to be on the PTA board next year or if you have someone in mind that you would like to nominate. Please email us at ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com with your nominations.


Have a great week,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23 Board




9              Class Spelling Bees

PTA Meeting

10            Fire Drill

13            Grading Day – No school for students

16            Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School

20           Benchmark testing K-2nd grades

23           Spelling Bee Assemblies

9:00 1-3 Grades

1:30 4-5 Grades

25           SCC Meeting

27           Benchmark testing 3-5 grades



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org