1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – January 1, 2023

RIDGECREST ROAR  January 1, 2023

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Welcome to the New Year! What a beautiful but cold winter break it has been. I know families celebrate this time in many different ways but I hope through it you have been able to enjoy some rest and quality time with your loved ones.

School Information

Attendance –  Our average attendance in December ended at 87% of students present and on-time. Our average is inching up toward where we want it. Let’s keep it going!


Spelling Bee – The Ridgecrest Spelling Bee is coming soon. Paper copies of study lists and a few details were sent home with students in December. All of the information can also be found attached here in the ROAR. Digital copies of the additional study lists are also included for those who want to prepare for advanced words. Good luck to all of our spellers!

Classroom Spelling Bees- Monday, January 9

School Spelling Bees- Monday, January 23

Letters to Cottonwood Heights City – Many Ridgecrest students will be participating in a writing project with Cottonwood Heights City in January 2023. These letters will be displayed in Cottonwood Heights City Hall during the month of February. Each letter displayed will have the child’s name posted next to it. You have the choice as parents/guardians to opt your child out of having your child’s letter displayed. All student work will be displayed unless a parent/guardian chooses to opt-out using this form:  https://forms.gle/wne4GnVJhCECbUWZA.

If you would like your child’s letter to be displayed, DO NOT complete this form. No further action is needed. If you have questions, please contact Sara Allen at (801) 826-9250.

Parking Lot – We will be slightly changing our drop off and pick up procedure starting Monday, 1/9. Attached is a map of our parking lot with a diagram to help you understand the changes.

  1. We will ask all cars to merge into one lane as they approach the curb. This should work like a zipper -one car advances, then let a car in from the merging lane, etc. There will be cones placed in one lane to help guide you.
  2. Please pull forward as far as possible and use the entire length of the curb for drop off. All cars behind you will be stopped until you move forward.
  3. We need all students ready to exit their car BEFORE you get to the drop off curb.
  4. The outer lane will be used for you to pull out AFTER your child exits the car.
  5. There will be one lane exiting the drop-off area.
  6. Our exit requires right turns only (onto 7200 S) during drop off and pick up times. This is required to keep our traffic flow moving. Please be courteous to everyone waiting behind you.

The Cottonwood Heights Police Department has noticed patrons of the school parking in areas that are not designated for parking. This has been occurring too often at Ridgecrest and other surrounding schools especially during inclement weather. The CHPD will be watching and issuing citations to people who continue to park in areas that are not designated for parking or who are loading and unloading in areas not designated for that. Please help us keep children safe by following our procedures.

New World Record – Our students, along with Coach Angi, helped set a new world record!  Ridgecrest Tigers all participated in helping to break the world record for the most sports stacking in multiple locations. 737,863 people stacking with us all over the world! See the attached certificate.

Film Festival – We are excited to announce the details of the 13th Annual Canyons District Film Festival. The Film Festival is an opportunity for students and teachers to show their knowledge, skill, and creativity through the art of filmmaking. Students may enter films for competition in five categories: Short Film, Documentary, Animation, PSA, and Newscast. Students may also submit entries to our Film Festival poster contest. For more information please visit this link: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/filmfestival/about-the-film-festival/

PTA News:

Happy New Year Ridgecrest Families!

Mark your calendars! Our Chinese New Year Celebration will be on February 2nd from 6-8pm. This is a fun tradition at our school, and we hope to see you there!

We are taking nominations for our PTA Board for next year. Are you willing to help out so we can continue with some awesome events and programs? Do you know anyone that would like to get involved? Make sure to let us know if you would like to be on the PTA board next year or if you have someone in mind that you would like to nominate. Please email us at ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com with your nominations.

Have a great week,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23 Board



3           First day back to school

6           Fire Drill

9          Class Spelling Bees

PTA Meeting

13         Grading Day – No school for students

16         Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School

20        Benchmark testing K-2nd grades

23        Spelling Bee Assemblies

9:00 1-3 Grades

1:30 4-5 Grades

25       SCC Meeting

27        Benchmark testing 3-5 grades



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250



Drop-Off_ Pick up Diagram 22.23

2023 Spelling Bee Info




Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org