1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – February 6, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR                Feb. 6, 2022

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

We are celebrating the Chinese New Year at Ridgecrest! This year is the year of the tiger which makes our celebrations a little extra exciting. Our teachers and students will be celebrating in their classrooms on Monday February 7th and in other small ways during the next week. Thank you, PTA, for decorating our building to look so festive for our school community!

School Information

Parent Teacher Conferences – Parent teacher conferences will be held  Monday, Feb. 28th through Thursday, March 3. These appointments will mostly be virtual, however, if you would prefer to meet in person, we would be happy to arrange that for you. Sign-ups for these meetings will be available this week starting Feb. 9th. The instructions for signing up can be found here.Parent Instructions to Schedule PTC.docx Spanish Parent Family Access Instructions for Conference Spanish [2][1].docx

Kindergarten Registration – If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2022, the child qualifies for kindergarten this fall. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date.

If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please begin the registration process by following the steps outlined on our website. The link can be found here.

Intent to Return – Please help us to better plan for the next school year by completing the Intent to Return form if you are not planning to return to Ridgecrest next year. A paper form was sent home last week. There is also a digital option for you found here. Please complete one or the other.

Life Skills in 4th Grade – Miss Allie is excited to teach the Botvin Life Skills curriculum to our fourth graders this year. This curriculum is required and provided by the state of Utah and teaches students great strategies for working cooperatively, responsible decision making, and avoiding substance use. It consists of 8 lessons that will be taught weekly throughout February and March. Miss Allie will have information about each lesson on her Canvas page: https://canyons.instructure.com/courses/1459254. If you have any questions about what is taught, you may reach out to her: allie.teller@canyonsdistrict.org.

Volunteers – Our school has transitioned back to a Tier II response to Covid. This means that volunteers are allowed in the building. There are class parties scheduled for Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14th. We would love to see you volunteering in our building again! Please remember that all volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application form each year before we can allow you to help in the school. You can find this form at volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org.

Technology at School – Our policy is to have students leave personal technology like cell phones and Wi-Fi enabled watches at home or in their backpacks. These devices create disruptions in learning and cause problems on the playground. Please help us by reminding your child these items shouldn’t be out during the school day. And remember, if you need to talk to your child during the school day, you can call the front office and we will be happy to help.

Remote-Learning Day – Feb. 11th is our next remote-learning day.  Students are expected to participate in learning from home. Teachers will provide learning opportunities for your child as a packet or on Canvas. Please look for more specific information that will be sent by your child’s teacher in their newsletter. Teachers will be available on remote-learning days via email and connect with students through Canvas and Zoom or Google Meet.

Zones of Regulation – This week we are focusing on the feelings and body clues in the Red Zone.  When we are in the Red Zone, our engine is going REALLY fast and we might lose control of our words and bodies. It’s important to quickly recognize that we are in the Red Zone and try some calming strategies right away. Our video from Miss Allie will help us think about the things that make our engine go fast and really fast as well: https://canyons.instructure.com/courses/1459254/pages/red-zone-strategies-week-of-2-slash-7?module_item_id=25901107


For Parents/Guardians:

Supplemental Kindergarten – Applications for Supplemental Kindergarten opened last week and our space available is full. If you are interested in Supplemental Kindergarten, we are still accepting applications through February 8th. Any applications received will be placed on our waitlist. More information, includinganswers to common questions, is on the CSD website.

Digital Citizenship: Are today’s kids addicted to technology? Are we? From smart phones to social media to video games, media and tech have become a huge part of our families’ lives. The ability to be constantly connected can affect schoolwork, relationships, and concentration. The challenge is figuring out how to get the most from technology without letting it get out of control. Learn more about how to identify problematic media use, the downfalls of multitasking, finding balance, and what to do if you have serious concerns. Visit commonsensemedia.org/technology-addiction.

Seat Belt Safety –We have seen an increase in students who are not wearing seat belts or are wearing them improperly at pick up and drop off. We are attaching some information here to help remind us all about the importance of keeping our kids safe in motor vehicles. The Utah Safety Council


PTA News:

The Ridgecrest Spelling Bee has been rescheduled! Classroom Spelling Bees will take place on Tuesday, March 8th through the day. It is time to start studying again! Word lists for all levels can be found below. The One Bee list is for Grades 1-3, and the Two Bee list for Grades 4and 5. The School Spelling Bees will be held on Monday, March 21st for all class finalists to compete. More information about the School Spelling Bee will be sent home after the Class Spelling Bees are completed.

Questions? Email Marci Cardon- calebandmarci@gmail.com  2022-One_Bee_Study_List.pdf   2022_Two_Bee_Study_List.pdf

Congratulations to the following Ridgecrest Students who won awards in the Reflections Art Contest. The artwork of these students was chosen as winners at our school, and now at the next level up called the Council Level! We have 2 categories of awards, Merit awards and Awards of Excellence. The Awards of Excellence will continue the competition at the Regional Level next.

Awards of Excellence

Aaron Christensen – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Adlee Madsen – Literature, Excellence

Annie Christensen – 3D Visual Arts, Excellence

Annie Christensen – Literature, Excellence

Caiden Cobb – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Caiden Cobb – Photography, Excellence

Charlotte Jimas – Literature, Excellence

Chloe Cobb – Photography, Excellence

Christopher German – 3D Visual Arts, Excellence

Ellie Freeman – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Esther Edwards – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Isaac Christensen – 3D Visual Arts, Excellence

Jade Scott – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Jade Scott – Film Production, Excellence

Jade Whiteley – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Jasper Johnson – 3D Visual Arts, Excellence

Josie Toone – Photography, Excellence

Kai Mackay – Music Composition, Excellence

Keri McNall – Literature, Excellence

Lila Olson – Photography, Excellence

Mae Madsen – Literature, Excellence

Maria Hao – Music Composition, Excellence

Sophia Marron – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence

Sophia Marron – 3D Visual Arts, Excellence

Wallace Davis – 2D Visual Arts, Excellence


Merit Award Winners:

Chloe Cobb – 2D Visual Arts, Merit

Henry Featherstone – 2D Visual Arts, Merit

Jasper Johnson – Literature, Merit

Thank you to all who went to our PTA fundraiser at Tokyo Teriyaki on Tuesday.  We appreciate the support!

Nominations are now open for Council PTA Board.  Please see the flier for position descriptions and responsibilities.  Email council nominating committee chair before March 20th, if interested. eastsandypta@gmail.com Council Positions Flier[1].pdf

Looking ahead, we have Parent Teacher Conferences and Teacher meals, our Book Fair, and possibly the Talent Show Preview all scheduled at the beginning of March. Watch for more info about each of those in the coming weeks.

The PTA General Membership Meeting for our 2022-2023 Board Elections is scheduled for Monday, March 21st at noon.  Please mark your calendars, meet the nominees and vote. All PTA members are invited.  If you haven’t joined and would like to, membership is $5/person and can be paid online at https://ridgecrest.memberhub.com/store.  You can also send cash/check in an envelope labeled “PTA” to the office.



7th – Chinese New Year classroom celebrations

9th – Parent Teacher Conference – Scheduling Opens

11th – Remote Learning Day – Students at home

14th – Valentine’s Day classroom celebrations

23rd – SCC Meeting 4 pm


-Julie                                                           -Sara      

Julie Winfree, Principal                              Sara Allen, Assistant Principal

801-826-9250 school                                  801-826-9250 school

Julia.winfree@canyonsdistrict.org             Sara.Allen@canyonsdistrict.org

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org