1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – February 19, 2023

RIDGECREST ROAR   February 19, 2023

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Thank you for all the support with Valentine’s Day class celebrations. Our students had so much fun.

We had 96% attendance on Valentine’s Day. This is fantastic! Kindergarten had the most students in attendance with 99% of their students. Even better is the fact that our attendance remained high through the rest of the week with an average of 93%. Let’s keep this up! It makes such a difference to our students and classroom learning when students are at school every day.

School Information

Parent Teacher Conferences – Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences closes tomorrow. Please sign-up ASAP if you haven’t already. Conferences will be held on March 1st and 2nd in the evenings. Our DLI classes will also hold conferences during the daytime Monday – Thursday of that week. Please see individual teacher schedules for specific date and time availability. Please note that school will release at 1:40 PM on Thursday March 2nd. Please sign up for your opportunity to speak to your child’s teachers as soon as possible. Available spots are first come first serve. Parent instructions are attached.  Parent Instructions to Schedule PTC (6)

Remote- Learning Day – March 6 will be a Remote-Learning Day for all Canyons District students. The day follows a Friday, March 3 no-school day after the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences. While no new instruction will be provided online on that day, students will be provided remote-learning activities and teachers will be available to meet with students virtually between 10 a.m. and noon. More information will be provided by your child’s teacher.

Personal Technology Policy – Just a reminder that our school policy requires that all student personal electronics remain in backpacks during the day. This includes wifi enabled watches and cell phones. These devices are very disruptive to classroom learning. Please know, if your child is wearing a watch, we will ask them to take it off and put it in their backpack. We have had an increase in students cheating, playing games, and receiving texts during the school day on their watches. If there is an emergency and you need to get a message to your child during the school day, please use Parent Square to message their teacher, or call the main office.

Medication at School – Per state law (Utah Code §53G-9-502) and Canyons School District Medication Policy (https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/policies/student/services/500-42/) students are not allowed to self-carry medication. The only exceptions to this are:

  • Epinephrine Autoinjectors
  • Inhalers
  • Insulin

These medications still require a Canyons District Medication Authorization form to be completed. In fact, for any medication to be administered at school, the Canyons District Medication Authorization form must be completed by a physician and then be given to the school. The school may then administer the medication in the office. This helps to prevent access to medications by other children. The only exceptions to needing this form is for medicated cough drops which still must be administered in the office. The Medication Authorization form is available on the Canyons District website under “Nursing Services”. If you have any medication questions you may contact our school nurse, Sally Goodger at 801-826-8066.

Permits Update – Just a reminder that all students who attend Ridgecrest on permit in kindergarten must reapply for a permit to the school for the following year. Permits do not roll over from kindergarten to first grade. Permits do roll over from first through fifth grades.

Information previously shared that still might be helpful:

Sweepers – Ridgecrest is looking to hire some sweepers to help clean our building for 2 hours in the afternoons each day. We have several open positions with a starting wage of $10.73 / hr. Applications are available in our front office.

Kindergarten Registration – If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023, the child qualifies for kindergarten this fall. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date.

If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please begin the registration process by following the steps outlined on our website. Here is a direct link to that information.

Intent to Return – Please help us to better plan for the next school year by completing the Intent to Return form if you are not planning to return to Ridgecrest next year. Please complete the digital form  found here.


PTA News:

Hi Ridgecrest Families!

Our Book Fair is coming up from February 27th – March 2nd.

We need volunteers to help, as we need two people there to keep the Book Fair open. The Book Fair will be open as follows.

Monday and Tuesday (2/27-2/28) from 8-9am and 3-4pm

Wednesday (3/1) from 8-9am and 3-7:30pm

Thursday (3/2) from 8-9am and 1:30-7:30pm

Please check out our SignUp Genius for opportunities to help at our Book Fair.

There are still plenty of open volunteer slots that we need filled. 


Mark your calendars! Our Books and Breakfast will be happening on Tuesday and Wednesday (2/28-3/1). Students are welcome to bring one or two special adults to breakfast on these days. To help accommodate space, we will follow the schedule below:

  • Tues. 2/28, 8:00 – 8:40 AM Families of students with a last name that starts with an A – L
  • Wed. 3/1, 8:00 – 8:40 AM Families of students with a last name that starts with an M-Z

Doors will open at 8:00 AM for the Book Fair and 8:15 AM for breakfast. Please note, breakfast is not provided. This is a chance to bring breakfast with you to enjoy with your child. Breakfast is still available for current Ridgecrest students to purchase in the cafeteria. We hope to see many of you there.

Our Talent Show Preview is coming up. This is the opportunity for your student to show their talent and to be in the talent show. Our preview will be on Tuesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 9th. The preview will be before school from 8-8:40am and after school from 3:20-4pm.

Please note, these are the only times for us to preview the entries for the Talent Show.   No late entries will be accepted

Our Talent Show will be on March 17th at 6:30pm at Butler Middle School.

Save the date! Our next PTA meeting is on Monday, March 13th, at noon. We need your attendance. We will be voting in our new PTA Board for next school year and we need your vote. The nominees were sent out to the PTA membership and are also posted on our social media platforms.

Have a great week,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23 Board




22            SCC Meeting

27-2        Book Fair

28            End of 2nd Trimester



1               Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 7:30 PM

2              Early out – school ends at 1:40 PM

Parent Teacher Conferences 2:00 – 7:30 PM

3              NO School

6              Remote-Learning Day for students

13            PTA Meeting

17            Talent Show – Butler Middle 6:30 PM



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org