1800 East 7200 S., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – December 11, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR   December 11, 2022


Good evening Ridgecrest families,

I cannot believe this will be the last newsletter of the calendar year. Friday will start our Winter Break.  We will have our usual Friday early release.  The annual Holiday Sing Along returns this year and we hope to see many of you at the school for this. More information is below.

I wish each of you a wonderful Winter Break with your family and friends!  We will see you back on Monday, January 3rd.


School Information

Attendance – Attendance  continues to inch upward! We average 88% of our students at school and on time each morning this week. Thank you for making your children’s attendance a priority!


Holiday Sing Along with all students and families – Ridgecrest has a tradition of performing a holiday sing along. Each grade level has learned a winter holiday song during their choir class. We will have the Holiday Sing Along with parents on Monday, Dec. 12th in our gym. We hope you can join us!

  • K-2 grade classes will sing at 2:00 PM
  • 3-5 grade classes will sing at 2:30 PM


Spelling Bee – The Ridgecrest Spelling Bee is happening in January 2023! The time to begin studying is now. Paper copies of study lists and a few details will be sent home with students early this week. All of the information can also be found attached here in the ROAR. Digital copies of the additional study lists are also included for those who want to prepare for advanced words. Good luck to all of our spellers! Check out the info sheet for more details.

Classroom Spelling Bees- Monday, January 9

School Spelling Bees- Monday, January 23


Champions at Ridgecrest – Champions Before and After school program is hosting an Art Show for the Champion’s students but we wanted to open our doors to everyone to take a look inside our program!

Join us from 5:00 – 5:30 PM on Friday, December 16th! We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, feel free to email Champion’s Site Director at emily.tijerina@discoverchampions.com


PTA News:

Hi Ridgecrest Families!


All PTA members invited! Tomorrow we will be meeting at noon in the Media Center. We will be electing our Nominating Committee, and we need you and your vote!


Now is a great time to be thinking about our next school-year’s PTA board. Are you willing to help out so we can continue with some awesome events and programs? Make sure to let us know if you would be willing to be on the PTA board next schoolyear or if you have someone in mind that you would like to nominate. Please email us at ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com with your nominations.


Don’t forget to wear school colors this Friday for Tiger Spirit and earn a little treat. Since this Friday will be our class parties, if you wear festive colors/attire it will count as Tiger Spirit as well!


Have a safe and amazing week and holiday break,

Your Ridgecrest Elementary PTA 2022-23 Board




12            PTA Meeting

12            Holiday Sing Along – Parents Invited

K-2          2:00 PM

3-5           2:30 PM

16            Holiday Class Parties

12/19-1/2            Winter Break – No School



3               First day back to school

6               Fire Drill

9               Class Spelling Bees

PTA Meeting

13            Grading Day – No school for students

16            Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School



Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School

(801) 826-9250


2023 Spelling Bee Info




Ridgecrest Champions Art Show

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