1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – April 28, 2024

RIDGECREST ROAR     April 28, 2024

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Our students have been playing excitedly outside now that our spring weather has warmed up a bit and our fields are more usable. I want to take a moment to recognize the work that our recess team and teachers do to create opportunities for students to participate in many fun and different activities during recess. We know with more students engaged in structured play, conflict and behavior problems decrease, and more kids are included and having fun. Our team keeps activities changing and fresh during recess and we are so grateful to them.

School Information.

Choir Performance – Our spring concert, featuring folk songs from around the world, is this Tuesday, April 30, at Ridgecrest. We will begin at 6:00 P.M. Please join us if you can.

Teach Appreciation Week – We will be celebrating our teachers during the week of May 6-10. We have a lot to celebrate about our spectacular staff. Please see more information about ways you can join in the celebration in our PTA message below.

Million Minute update – As a school, our students read 165,500 minutes  in the month of March. Every student who returned their reading calendar in March received a new bookmark! Thank you for supporting your child’s love of reading and helping to remind them to return their reading calendars. 

This takes our total to 860,820 minutes read. We need 139,180 more reading minutes for us to make it to our 1 Million Minute goal! We are so close! Please encourage your child to get in all the reading they can before the end of April and to return their calendars so we can earn an extra special assembly in May if we make our goal.

Ridgecrest Readers: Staff Recommendations – 

When I think back on books that helped me to fall in love with reading Harry Potter is one that immediately comes to mind. This is an amazing series filled with stories of magic and focuses on the constant battle of good vs. evil and everything in between. This is a book where I was constantly thinking of when I could read it next. I think this is such a great read for 4th and 5th Grade. It was my first step into a love of the Fantasy Genre. 

  • Ms. Adamson, 5th grade teacher  

One of my favorite books I read as a child was Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White.  Wilbur the pig lives on a farm and finds out that his life may not be what he expected.  Fortunately, Wilbur’s life is changed by the barn spider Charlotte.  I love that this book shows the power of words.  Charlotte spun words in her web describing her friend Wilbur “Terrific”, “Some Pig”, “Humble”.  Kind words from a friend can change our lives!

  • Mrs. Hille, Administrative Assistant/Front Office  

Digital Citizenship – This week we are sharing tips about modeling good technology use. This comes from our partner NetPositive. Take a look in the flier that is attached.

Next Year Changes? – We are currently making plans for next year. If you know your child/children will not be returning to Ridgecrest next year it would be helpful for us to know. Please let your child’s teacher and/or the front office know if there are changes you are aware of. 

From the PTA:

Hello PTA families! We are getting into the final weeks of school and have some fun things coming up. Ridgecrest Runners and Chess Champs are coming to an end in the next few weeks. Both groups have worked so hard throughout the year. We are so proud of these kids showing up every week!

Teacher Appreciation- Teacher Appreciation Week! Our teachers are sweeter than candy! 

We will be thanking and celebrating our teachers May 6-10th

All students and teachers are invited to celebrate with special themed days:

Monday, May 6th: Welcome to Wonka’s Magical Factory! Wear Purple and Yellow clothes

Tuesday, May 7th: “You’re a good egg” and “You’ve got a golden ticket” Students will bring their teachers thank you notes (the note cards will be sent home soon!).

Wednesday, May 8th: Each grade has a Wonka theme or character to dress up like.

Kindergarten: Candy, Chocolates, and more Candy!

1st : Golden Tickets and Charlie Bucket

2nd : Fizzy Lifting Drinks, soda, bubbles

3rd : Chocolate river and Augustus Gloop 

4th : Veruca salt, nuts and golden goose eggs

5th : Violet Beauregarde, blueberries and gumstoppers

Thursday, May 9th: Charlie’s Grandma and Grandpa– Wear Pajamas!

Friday, May 10th: A world of imagination: Crazy hair and socks!

There are a few more spots open to help with decorating and treats for teacher appreciation. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AA4A62CA6F85-49045125-teacher?useFullSite=true#/

Community Night- Our final community night will be May 14th at Zao. Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for a flier as we get closer. 

Our next PTA meeting moved up a week. It is Monday May 6th at noon in the library conference room. We look forward to seeing anyone that can come!


Suzy Doom

PTA President



30    Choir Performance 6 PM


6-10    Teacher Appreciation Week

6    PTA Meeting – Date Change

10    Acadience Testing 3-5th grade

13    Acadience Testing K-2

14    Asian Zao Community Night


Sara Allen

Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School


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