1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – April 17, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR              April 17th, 2022

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

Happy Easter! I love the changes that Spring brings and the sense of renewal it gives as the earth awakens and we begin to enjoy the beauty it offers all around us. I hope each of you have had a lovely weekend with your family.

There will not be a Roar sent out next weekend. So, there is a lot of information being shared this week. As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to email me or call the front office at (801) 8236-9250.

School Information

Remote Learning Day – Friday, April 22, is our last Remote-Learning day for this school year. This means students will learn at home, not at school, using materials provided by teachers. Teachers will use this time for much needed planning. They will also be available to help students and families as needed. Please watch for more specific information in teacher newsletters. Lunch will be available for students to pick up on Thursday if it is needed for Friday. Please let your student know if they should order a lunch for Friday by Thursday morning.

End of Year Assessments – We are in the last 2 months of school, and it is time for our end of year assessments. These are important to our school for many reasons. First, and most importantly, these assessments let us see the growth and achievements of our students so that our staff can see where we excelled and where we may need to adjust our planning and focus for next year.

Please help us make this information as valuable as possible by having your child get a good night’s sleep and a great breakfast before coming to school on testing days. It is also helpful to remind children that these assessments are important but should not be reason for extra anxiety. We hope each student will do the best they can and look forward to celebrating their success with them. Please review individual teacher newsletters for specific dates when your child is testing.

Community Donations – We have many community partners who help provide funds or resources to our school. Smith’s Food and Drug donates 0.5% of all eligible shopping done by anyone who has connected their shopper’s card to Ridgecrest. It is an easy way that you can help our school. For more information on setting this up please visit their website here.

Community NightSave the Date. We will be hosting a Community Night at Ridgecrest to celebrate what it means to be a tiger on May 9th!  We were unable to have our traditional Chinese New Year celebration this year but want the opportunity for all of us to celebrate being Ridgecrest Tigers in this Chinese Year of the Tiger! More information will be coming, but please set this evening aside to join together with us as the Ridgecrest community.

Lost and Found – We are overflowing with missing coats, jackets, gloves, and other miscellaneous items in our lost and found. Please remind your child to look through the lost and found this week before we donate these items.

From Miss Allie – We have completed our instruction around Zones of Regulation. Teachers and students have done a really nice job learning this vocabulary and using it to help each other when we experience big emotions. Moving forward, Ridgecrest is focusing on building community and connections. One way we do this is by starting each day with a Morning Meeting. The state board of education has created a “Portrait of a Graduate” and these topics will be some of the things focused on.

Great Utah Shakeout – Ridgecrest will be participating in the Great Utah Shakeout, an earthquake drill, on April 21st. Many schools and businesses participate in the annual drill to help our communities to be better prepared in the event of an earthquake. This might be a good chance to review your family’s plan should an earthquake happen while you are all at home. More information can be found at this link.


From the PTA:

Tomorrow (Monday) is the community fundraiser at Swig;7:30 AM and 9:30 PM, in the parking lot of Dan’s. Show the flier or mention Ridgecrest Elementary. Spirit Day Swig.pdf

We are so appreciative of the support for our teachers as we have begun to gather items for Teacher Appreciation Week.  There are few items left to sign up for here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b44a5ac22abf94-teacher

You should have received an email from Sara Allen or your student’s room parents about teacher appreciation gifts.  Thank you to our room parents for organizing this.

Teacher Appreciation Week is the 25-29th of April.  PTA will be sending a note home with a place to write a note to students’ teachers and a schedule for the week. TAWeek Flyer.jpg



4/18       End of Year Assessments begin

4/18       Community Night at Swig

4/21       Great Utah Shakeout

4/22       Remote Learning Day

4/25 – 4/29          Teacher Appreciation Week

5/4          SCC meeting 4 PM

5/5          PTA Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

5/9          Community Night – Year of the Tiger



Sara Allen, Principal

801-826-9250 school


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