1800 E. 7200 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Ridgecrest Roar – April 10, 2022

RIDGECREST ROAR              April 10th, 2022

Good evening Ridgecrest families,

I hope your time together during Spring Break was lovely. I know I have enjoyed the time outside enjoying the springtime weather with my family.

We had a busy week before Spring Break. We announced Mrs. Rebecca Jimas as our teacher of the year. We had a brief assembly with all our students while we celebrated Mrs. Jimas and the tremendous work she does at Ridgecrest, building skills, and relationships that make a difference for our students. Congratulations to Mrs. Jimas!

We also had a Day of Play on the Friday before the break. Our students signed up to participate in various activities with students and teachers they may not have known before with the hope that they can build new relationships and expand our feelings of community within Ridgecrest. We had so much fun together.

School Information

Digital Citizenship – What are some practical ways parents can keep their kids safe online? How can families most effectively use Skyward and Canvas to monitor their student’s progress at school? What mental wellness resources are available at school? These topics, and more, are the focus of a free Parent Information Night that Canyons School District is sponsoring as part of an ongoing Canyoneering Academy lecture series. More information can be found on this flier. CFC – Digital Citizenship Parent Night.pdf

Drop Off/Pick Up – Please remember to be extra cautious while driving through our pickup and drop off line. We have had a couple close calls recently with students crossing through the parking lot or across the crosswalk without an adult. Our teachers and staff members are there to help before and after school during designated times. However, when the bell rings to start school, our staff must go inside. At this point, children are not supervised unless they are with their grown-ups. Please help us keep everyone safe by driving slowly and escorting your children in high-risk areas.

Information previously shared that may still be helpful

Job opportunities – Ridgecrest is in need of afternoon sweepers. This job requires 2 hours of time in the afternoons after students have gone home. If you, or someone you know, is interested in a few extra hours of work each day, this could be a good option. Those interested, should reach out to our main office for more information.


From the PTA:

Come to the new Swig anytime between 7:30 AM and 9:30 PM, in the parking lot of Dan’s, for our next community fundraiser on Mon. 4/18. Look for the flier to come home later this week.Spirit Day Swig[3].pdf

The PTA is planning some amazing things to celebrate our wonderful teachers and staff for Teacher Appreciation week April 25-29.  Room parents are organizing teacher gifts from students.  If you would like to contribute and don’t know who to contact, please reach out to Brooke Schneider at brookeyschneid26@gmail.com or 801-633-3615.


5/11   PTA Meeting 12 PM

4/18   End of Year Assessments begin

4/18   Community Night at Swig

4/22   Remote Learning Day

4/25 – 4/29 Teacher Appreciation Week

4/27 – SCC meeting 4 PM



Sara Allen, Principal

801-826-9250 school



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org