RIDGECREST ROAR September 17, 2023
Good evening Ridgecrest families,
It is starting to feel like fall. I am always surprised how quickly Fall Parent Teacher Conferences arrive. This is an exciting time in our school and feels like school is really moving to me. We have learned our routines and procedures and student learning starts to take off!
As the weather starts changing please remember a couple of things. First, students are unsupervised outside until 8:30. Please do not drop off or send your children before 8:30 AM. The only exception is for students who are eating breakfast. They may enter the second grade doors at 8:15 AM. Second, students line up outside except for days with extreme weather, so please help to make sure they are dressed appropriately. Layers are everyone’s best friend during the fall season. We appreciate your help with this.
School Information
Boo to the Flu – Our community Boo to the Flu clinic will be available during parent teacher conferences on Thursday, September 28th from 3:30-6:30 PM. Please stop in if your family is interested. You will need to bring your insurance card and driver’s license with you.
Parent Teacher Conferences – Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences is open. Conferences will be held on September 27th and 28th in the evening. Our DLI classes will also hold conferences during the daytime Monday – Thursday of that week. Please note that school will release at 1:40 PM on Thursday September 28th and there is no school held on Sept. 29th.
Please sign up for your opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Available spots are first come first serve. New this year: Sign ups are completed on Parent Square. You should have received information from your teacher about their availability. Please reach out directly to your child’s teacher if you need help with this. There will be translators available at designated times.
Information previously shared that still may be helpful:
Recycling – Update: Our contract with the company who manages our recycling has changed. This is no longer a free service for our school and instead costs us money. This means, we are no longer able to offer this as a free community resource and ask that you find somewhere else to help with your recycling needs so that the cost to our school isn’t increased. Thank you for your understanding of this.
From the PTA:
We have a lot of fun events coming up. Please read carefully!
Ridgecrest Runners– Ridgecrest Runners will start this Friday, Sept. 22nd at 7:45 A.M. Please complete the google form to register https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexTwZET3kwHX3nk4Z1SEmzHA1cHOHx5VQF3lYU-lVrj7Cc7A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Registration is open until Wednesday, October 11th. Contact Jackie Freeman at jackiefreeman347@hotmail.com with any questions.
Chess Champions– Chess Champions will be starting September 20th on Wednesday mornings from 8-8:30. Please sign up using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqRXh3tMnkvKDkjPdoaD1n6bUGzADfzPrywxcnwYfi-lVvmQ/viewform
Parent Teacher Meals– Here is the sign up info to help feed our teachers during PTC. Please help us to take care of our our teachers. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B094DADA628ABFF2-44290225-teacher#/
Book Fair– The book fair schedule will be as follows:
Monday Sept. 25: 8-9 and 3-4
Tuesday Sept. 26: 8-9 and 3-4
Wednesday Sept. 27: 8-9 and 3-7:30
Thursday Sept. 28: 8-9 and 1-7:30
If you would like to volunteer to help out at the book fair please sign up using this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F084AA9A62EA6FF2-44377642-ridgecrest
Books and Breakfast– Please join us Tuesday and Wednesday during the book fair for Books and Breakfast. This is a great time to invite a special family member (grandparent, aunt, uncle or parents). Please bring your own breakfast to enjoy with your student and look through the book fair. Tuesday will be for students with the last name A-M and Wednesday will be for students N-Z. From 8-8:30 in the Gym.
Suzy Doom
22 Vision Screening all day Gym
27-28 Parent Teacher Conferences
Book Fair various times Gym
28 EARLY OUT 1:40
29 No School
2 Fundraiser Begins
6 Hearing Screening K, 2, 5 grades
13 Fun Run 9-11 Neighborhood
Sara Allen
Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School
(801) 826-9250