Principal’s Message
Good evening Ridgecrest families,
The school will be closed tomorrow to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will see you all again on Tuesday, January 21st.
This week I would like to remind you about Canyoneering Night happening at Eastmont Middle School. At this lecture series, families will hear from Canyons Superintendent Dr. Rick Robins and will have their choice of participating in three workshops covering a variety of topics, from digital and school safety to suicide prevention, artificial intelligence, drug use, and vaping. Dinner will be served from 5 to 6:15 p.m. I would love to see you there.
Teacher of the Year
It is time once again to recognize the teachers at Ridgecrest who make such a difference in the lives of your children through the Teacher of the Year nomination process. Please click on the link below to nominate the teachers who have mattered to you this year. You can fill out the link multiple times if you are interested in nominating more than one teacher. More information about the selection process, and the nomination form, are found here. We will be accepting nominations through February 2nd.
Digital Citizenship Tips
Explaining the NewsDiscussing the news with your kids is a great way to help them think critically about current events and process what they’re seeing. Common Sense Media provides helpful tips for families concerned about the impact of current events on kids. News stories can often be dramatic and may include disturbing images or information. Talking about the news as a family helps everyone stay informed while checking in on how each member is feeling and responding. Check out “Explaining The News to Our Kids” at https://cnyns.org/41rfWl6Links to an external site.
Lunar New Year Celebration
It’s the Year of the Snake! Join us in shedding the old and embracing the new by attending Canyons District’s Lunar New Year Celebration Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025. Students and their families from across the District are invited for an evening of delicious food, fun activities, and inspiring student performances. The event will be held at 6 p.m. in the Commons at Corner Canyon High School (12943 S. 700 East, Draper).
This celebration is separate from our Ridgecrest celebration happening on February 6th at Butler Middle School. More information about our Ridgecrest celebration is in the PTA information below and attached in a flier to this message. We would love to see you at both celebrations.
STEAM Squad Session 2
4th and 5th grade students!! We are excited for the second session of STEAM Squad to start the second week of February! This session focuses on a hands-on approach to coding. Some of the activities that we’ll be exploring are:
Virtual Reality
Merge Cubes
Intellino Trains
Any 4th or 5th grade student that would like to join the Squad will need to apply online. The link will open January 24th and will close January 28th. You can apply here:Application Link
Each student will be assigned to attend either Monday or Wednesday mornings for 8 weeks. Other school activities are coordinated to minimize overlap with us on both days. Just put in your application if you’re already attending instrument ensemble Mondays, or chess club Wednesdays, and you’ll be assigned to the preferred day. Students are allowed to leave for student counsel, safety patrol, and school breakfast as needed.
For any questions, please contact our STEM teacher, Alicia Freeman alicia.freeman@canyonsdistrict.org
Calling All 5th Grade Students
Butler Middle School and Midvale Middle School are both hosting 5th Grade Orientation Parent Nights soon. All current 5th Grade students and their parents are invited to attend a meeting in the auditorium of their future middle school where they can ask questions and learn about getting ready for the next school year. Details for these visits are:
- Butler Middle – Tuesday, January 28th at 5:30 PM
- Midvale Middle – Tuesday, January 28th at 5:30 PM
From Our PTA
Hello Ridgecrest Families,
What a fantastic week we have had with the class spelling bees. We would like to applaud all the Ridgecrest students who participated in the class bees and did their best. We are so proud of all the students and teachers and volunteers who helped make the class bees a success. For those moving on to the school spelling bee Congratulations! Our school spelling bee will be held Monday, February 10th.
We Need YOU for Next Years PTA Board
We are seeking interested parents to be on the Ridgecrest PTA Board for next year 2025/2026. It is a great way to be involved, get to know and advocate for our students. If you have that inkling to volunteer you can email ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com. We would love to have you. Note: Elections will be held in March 2025.
Ridgecrest RunnersPlease note, Ridgecrest Runners is cancelled on January 24th and we will resume with our half marathon celebration on January 31st.
Ridgecrest Chinese New Year CelebrationWe are delighted to celebrate Chinese New Year with our community on Thursday February 6th at 6:00pm at Butler Middle School. Thanks to the volunteers who are making this event happen. Please refer to the flyer for more information. Follow us on Insta for updates and information regarding PTA activities at Ridgecrest.
PTA Mission“To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”
Brooke Schneider
Ridgcrest PTA President 24/25
Important Dates
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
January 21: Midyear Report Cards
January 22: SCC Meeting at 4 PM
January 23: Canyoneering Night, Eastmont Middle School @ 5 PM
January 24: Utah Opera School AssemblyRidgecrest Runners cancelled this day
January 27: Acadience Testing 3-5th grades
January 28: Middle School Orientations at BMS and MMS
January 29: Acadience Testing K-2nd grades
February 3: PTA Meeting @ 12 PM
February 6: Chinese New Year Celebration @ BMS, 6:00 PM
February 10: School Spelling Bee1-3rd grade @ 9 AM 4-5th grade @ 1:30 PM
Contact Info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
- (801) 826-9250
- sara.allen@canyonsdistrict.org
- www.ridgecrest.canyonsdistrict.org
Sara Allen
Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary