Principal’s Message
Good evening Ridgecrest families,
We are celebrating Chinese New year and the year of the snake at Ridgecrest! Our building is so festively decorated. If you haven’t step inside to see it, please do. Our official school celebration is this Thursday. Please see the attached flier for more information.
This celebration is for everyone! We really hope to see you all at Butler Middle School Thursday evening for a wonderful community event.
Last Chance – Teacher of the Year
Today is your last chance to nominate one of our fantastic Ridgecrest teachers as this year’s Teacher of the Year. Please click on the link below to nominate the teachers who have mattered to you and your children the most this year. You can fill out the link multiple times if you are interested in nominating more than one teacher. More information about the selection process, and the nomination form, are found here.
Drama Program
We are thrilled to announce that a new Drama program will be starting at Ridgecrest for our 4th and 5th grade students! The first meeting will take place on February 4th, where we will introduce the program and provide important information about auditions. Parents are invited to attend this first meeting.
All students will be cast in the production, as auditions are simply to determine roles. Students interested in solo performances can audition individually, while those who prefer to be part of an ensemble can audition in groups of three. The song and reading material will be taught to all students in advance, so no preparation is necessary for the auditions. Ms. Adamson and Ms. Gracie will be leading this program, and they are eager to share their passion for drama with our students. We can’t wait to see the talent that Ridgecrest has to offer! If your child is interested please fill out the following form.
Practices will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the gym. We hope to see you on February 4th where we will share more information. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQBATfp8AxlE6HmimLQEdtXM0T1X6eK4MFaK-tRgbE9iZQVw/viewform?usp=header
Reading Challenge Update
We continue to surpass the competition! Help us celebrate our progress with your children by reviewing our most recent statistics on our journey toward one million minutes read.
- 365,805 total reading minutes have been read this school year toward our 1 Million Minute goal!
- We have reached 94% student participation using Beanstack and the Road to Success program.
- We are currently in 1st place among schools in Canyons School District, and 10th place in the state amongst schools participating in this program!
Keep up the great reading Ridgecrest tigers!
Multicultural Week
We are excited to announce a new Ridgecrest Event. Our PTA will be helping to facilitate a Multicultural Week from March 31st-April 4th. We are currently looking for individuals who would like to help us plan this event. Our goal is to celebrate the variety of cultures at Ridgecrest and give our students an opportunity to share their heritage, stories, and traditions, with their peers. Through sharing, we hope to give the students insight into the richness of culture around them. We hope this will be a healthy way for our students to get to know and understand each other better. If you have ideas, we would love to have you on our team to make this happen for our Ridgecrest students and community. Please email ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com if interested.
From Our PTA
Greetings Ridgecrest Families,
Please read as there is important information about your student shared below.
PTA Meeting
Our next meeting will be at 12:00 PM Monday, February 3rd in the Ridgecrest Conference room. You can also join us via Zoom with the following information:Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 818 6250 4567Passcode: 984052
We Need YOU for Next Years PTA Board
We are seeking interested parents to be on the Ridgecrest PTA Board for next year 2025/2026. It is a great way to be involved, get to know and advocate for our students. If you have that inkling to volunteer you can email ridgecrest1pta@gmail.com. We would love to have you. Note: Elections will be held in March 2025.
Ridgecrest Chinese New Year CelebrationWe are delighted to celebrate Chinese New Year with our community on Thursday, February 6th at 6:00pm at Butler Middle School. Thanks to the volunteers who are making this event happen. Please refer to the flyer for more information.
Follow us on Insta for updates and information regarding PTA activities at Ridgecrest.
PTA Mission“To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”
Brooke Schneider
Ridgecrest PTA President 24/25
Important Dates
February 3: PTA Meeting @ 12 PM
February 6: Chinese New Year Celebration @ BMS, 6:00 PM
February 10: School Spelling Bee1-3rd grade @ 9 AM4-5th grade @ 1:30 PM
February 14: Valentine’s Day Class Parties
February 17: President’s Day – No School
February 19: SCC Meeting
February 24 & 26th: Parent Teacher Conference
February 23-27: Book Fair
February 25 & 26: Books and Breakfast – 8:15 AM
February 27: Early Out – School dismissed at 1:40 PM
February 28: No School – Teacher Compensatory Day
Contact Info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
- (801) 826-9250
- sara.allen@canyonsdistrict.org
- www.ridgecrest.canyonsdistrict.org
Sara Allen
Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary